Wednesday, 31 October 2018

Christmas Post #21, Happy Halloween


          Happy Halloween! In our first post, we talked about how we recognize, and show the proper respect for each Holiday, and though some would debate Halloween, here we include it! Today's assignment is simple, be safe and have fun.

          We won't be venturing out tonight, instead, we will be staying at home and potentially watching Halloween themed movies on netflix...probably the wiggles earlier on. We agreed, before Jake can walk up to the doors, we're not going trick-or treating...not to mention I wouldn't let him eat about 90% of the treats this year.

          If you're out with the little ones, keep them visible, and safe. If you're driving around the little ones, please slow down. I will say this though too, and it could potentially piss some people off. A few years ago in our subdivision, there were parents driving slowly down the street while their kids went door to douche move. YOU are the one pissing off the other drivers, not the kids they know to slow down for. End of rant.

        K, Luv Ya, Bye!

        Nancy, Cale, Jake and Alice

Monday, 29 October 2018

Christmas Post #20, First Assessment

         Brand new this year to my series is the assessment posts, welcome to number one. The purpose of this post is simply to give you a bare bones checklist of things you should have done to this point, and if you don't, consider it homework. What I do with this is cover ONLY Christmas planning, none of the extras we've had. This is more for the independent Christmas planner, who sees my post and thinks, yeah, I doesn't really pertain to me, or maybe wants a recap of the Christmas specific stuff we've covered.

        Here are the links that are still relevant:

        The Master List  
        Plan the Menu
        Plan For Travel and Guests
        Master Grocery List
        Prepare the Home
        Fall Cleaning
        Online Shopping and Making Gifts
        Stocking Stuffers 
        Inventory Decor 
        Plan Decor
        Wardrobe Check 
        Linen Closet

        Check these links out to catch up!
        K, Luv Ya, Bye!

        Nancy, Cale, Jake and Alice

Friday, 26 October 2018

Christmas Post #19 Organize and Inventory


              This is one of those "house chore" assignments. I find this one productive for me though, because if I didn't do this one once a year, my linen closet and hall might just be a swirling vortex of things we forget about.

         Today's assignment, go through the linen and entryway closets! You're going to Organize them, purge what you don't need and figure out what you do. A lot of people also store their bathroom supplies in their linen closet, so I'm adding that to the inventory list too. You want to make sure you not only have enough towels for guests, but that they aren't sleeping on the moth hole ridden bed sheets shoved to the back of the closet. Get it now, and get it early. As far as bathroom supplies go, we're talking soaps, toothbrushes (I've mentioned these before in earlier posts), and of course TOILET PAPER! You run out on Christmas Day, you're using wrapping paper my friend. Cale and I typically get our TP at Costco, so I take out a couple sleeves from that big package and tuck them away. We MIGHT buy another household every day pack between now and Christmas, but I like to know I'm FOR SURE covered.

         Our next post will be the very first Assessment Post, so if you found you may have fallen behind, this post might come in handy.

        K, Luv Ya, Bye!

        Nancy, Cale, Jake and Alice

Wednesday, 24 October 2018

Christmas Post #18, Wardrobe check

Christmas is a time for copious amounts. You probably have some parties, maybe concerts, things like that coming up, but around the holidays, we all dress a little different from our day to day lives. I could be dressing up, pajamas, one of the ever popular ugly sweater parties, or some other themed party, but now is the time to have a look at what you might need to grab.

        Odds are this will pertain to the little ones more than mom or dad, unless you have one who gets ALL the hand-me-downs, they grow too quick to be wearing last year's dress pants. That being said, still check your own. You may have forgotten the wine stain from last year's party, or hubs may not be able to button his two sizes two small pants anymore. Think of what you have coming up, and get your items now, before they're picked over and everywhere is a mad house. The holiday clothing lines hit stores early, so you're set. Also, if you have a theme party, grabbing stuff around Halloween could cause a lot less running around later. I keep mentioning themes because we have a New Year party we go to every year and there is a theme. Consider this my segue to remind you not to forget New Year's Eve too.

       And there is today's assignment!

      K, Luv Ya, Bye!

      Nancy, Cale, Jake and Alice

Monday, 22 October 2018

Christmas Post #17, Plan Decorations

  In my last post, I asked you to inventory your decorations, that was all in preparation for you to plan your decorating with this post. There are multiple approaches to this, one is ridged, having everything mapped out completely. This approach was exceptionally helpful last year, when I basically unpacked and told Cale where everything went, because I couldn't stretch or climb too much. However this year I'm going in with more of a basic idea, and totally prepared to be flexible. The reason being, We're just starting to use our basement this year, and there will be decorating happening there for the first time. Usually my house kind of looks like Christmas blew up...there is SOME organization, but it's a LOT of stuff. This year things will be more spread out...and I'm still not sure how I feel about that yet.

         Here is something else I decided to do too. Usually I go through the list of decorations and tick them off as I figure out a home for them. This year, I looked around my room and tried to figure out how I would like it to be decorated. While I kept my decorations I have in mind, I didn't chain myself to them. Instead I came up with my idea first and THEN figured out what I have already that would work there. I feel like it's going to give a little more method to my madness.

         In this process it's also good to consider how you will hang things or display things and if you need to pick anything up, like a wreath hanger, or push pins or something like that. I find it SUPER annoying when I'm decorating to realize I'm out of something...rather already be set.

         K, Luv Ya, Bye!

         Nancy, Cale, Jake and Alice

Friday, 19 October 2018

Christmas Post #16, Inventory Decorations

         This is easily, and typically one of my FAVORITE assignments.  I love going through everything, and was excited to do this with Jake sitting in awe of all of our decorations...and it was like that... for 5 min...then there was a lot of him shouting, and throwing stuff we handed him, Cale tripping over the dog trying to get to whatever it was Jake threw, me looking for something new to occupy him was kind of a mess. We got that one good pic though. I recommend doing this without the kids as a result...maybe when they're older. I had this beautiful peaceful and sweet image in my mind...nope...not quite.

         Okay, that's the sentimentality of this post, the actual chore. You're going to want to go through all of your decorations and make a list of what you have. Go through all the boxes and go into a little more detail on the items, so you don't get them mixed up. Think of other things that you might be able to use to decorate, like a plaid blanket or scarf. And don't forget those items that aren't packed away with the rest, like maybe bedding or dishes. Check lights, see what you may need, and garlands and ribbons so you know what you're working with. Don't forget to count hooks, tacks, hangers, things you may need to replenish.

         When I do this, I break the list into things I hang, things that need a surface, and other. Breaking it down can help me figure out what goes where later.

         While this practice is helpful for decorating, it's also good for downsizing. Let's be honest, most of us look at all of our decorations and think, wow, I have way too much. You'll be able to see things you don't need and get them gone now. I however am just starting to use another part of my house for the very first time this year, so nothing is going away before Christmas for us this year.

        K, Luv Ya, Bye!

        Nancy, Cale, Jake and Alice

Thursday, 18 October 2018

Mom Post 7 months, 7 products

        The last little while all my posts have been Christmas related, and don't get me wrong, I freakin love it. BUT I used to post a lot more mom type stuff, and that has drastically reduced. I have been meaning to do a mom post recently, and finally decided to do a product post I've been thinking of doing for a while.

         Jake was scuttling across the floor after his dad's hat off all things, but he got some speed, and distance this week, and it's really the closest to crawling we've gotten. He's also sitting up better, and all around we're seeing more and more changes in our little guy. I've wanted to do a post on products that were lifesavers that we may not have known about or considered getting before he was born. Where he is 7 months, I decided to do 7 products, not in any specific order, maybe more the order we used them in.

        #1 The Halo Sleep Sack Swaddle. Jake's first night was spent in NICU, because I had gestational diabetes, and also I physically couldn't feed him right away. His second night was in the room with us, and the kid would only sleep on our chest, which isn't terribly safe. There was panic attacks, crying, etc. Finally a nurse came in, taught us how to swaddle him tightly and finally, he would sleep. No sooner did we bring him home, and the kid could break out of his swaddle. We got so lucky to have friends who had a baby 6 months prior, and GAVE us their swaddles. We wrapped him tightly in those, and he would sleep no problem. We used both sizes of them, up until he learned to roll over. Jake had that startle reflex thing, I knew NOTHING about, and I swear by these sleep sacks.

       #2 Avent Breast shells. This one can get a little tmi. So we're not even going to talk on how Jake fought me tooth and nail for over a month when it comes to breast feeding, we're skipping right to the part where he started latching. I guess it's very common to have the babies have a bad latch at first, and he did to the point of blistering, bleeding and, it was not pretty. Might I add, SERIOUSLY painful...I forget the pain of labour, not of early breast feeding. I was at a point where NOTHING could touch me without being in pain. Originally I bought these to catch leaking milk, and they did that, but they kept it so nothing touched my very delicate area, and air was able to get in to help heal. These were a short lived product, but saved me a LOT of pain.

       #3 The Rock and Play. I went back and forth on this one, and figured that if Jake was going to sleep he would do it all in his bassinet right? WRONG! Getting a newborn to sleep can take forever, and when he was a newborn, he spent a LOT of time nursing, and that's generally where he fell asleep too. So I would pop on netflix while he nursed and just go. But when he fell asleep and I needed to do something (eat or pee generally) he would be awake by the time he was in his bassinet. The rock n play was in the living room, and literally was the reason I survived (remember, food?). My brother and sister in-law bought this so I don't even know if it would have been purchased but it saved us.

       #4 Fisher Price smart connect deluxe soother. We had been using our phones for a long time, but that had us without our phones, a LOT, because babies sleep a lot. We went through a couple sound machines, and a bunch have an auto shut off, which did NOT work for us. When I found this one, and it was a decent price to boot, it worked out nicely. Not to mention it has different sounds for different things, so there was soothing music, sleep sounds. There are lights, which more than once settled Jake back to sleep. Oh yeah and it connects to my phone! So if I needed to change music, or pop on lights or off lights, all by my phone. I work in a cell phone department at an electronics store...this is a big deal to me.

       #5 Ingenuity bouncer. All my friend swore by their swings, and I had one, and Jake HATED it. This was what we evolved to after the rock n play time was over. His bouncer seat was a HUGE hit. My uncle bought it so I could have a secure seat to put him in, and it helped me keep my sanity for the last 4 months...Jake is basically at the weight limit now, so we're about to say goodbye old friend.

       #6 Camilia Drops. Wow, so babies teething situation is a lot weirder than I thought, I didn't realize the pain they can have for a WHILE before a teeth even breaks. These have been a life saver, and they're natural, so you feel better about giving them to your kid. My little guy loves them, and in about 15 min, he's generally feeling way better.

       #7 Brest Friend, breast feeding pillow, they're all the same right? Wrong. So I actually own 3 pillows. I have the one I wanted, and I really hated it. My mother in law bought me one, and it was great for him for tummy time, but not for breast feeding. And then I got the Brest Friend. I found the others moved around a lot. The Brest Friend buckles and stays put, it also has a pouch for a water bottle or whatever. It's flat so the baby can stay in place better too. It's more expensive, but I have a little more for the right one? Worth it.

       These are the 7, there are definitely other products we've used that I loved, but these would be the ones I would qualify as I didn't know I needed them, until I needed them. And several of these are personal taste for Jake and I, but I did a TON of research pre baby, and I didn't know what some of these were all about so, I put it out there to those who also may be in pain, or their baby is, or they're about to go crazy, or they just DESPERATELY need sleep.

        K, Luv Ya, Bye



Wednesday, 17 October 2018

Christmas Post # 15, Stocking Stuffers

         Stockings, they are the forgotten item that ends up costing way more than we expect. So this year Cale and I decided to downsize on the stockings. You may be like my family, and the kids get the stockings, or like Cale's and they all did a stocking for each other when they got older. Because I'm not working this year, and we're on a tighter budget, we're not doing stockings for each other. Alice might get one, and Jake is going to get his. We decided since it's his first Christmas, and he's not going to remember it, his stocking will actually be part of his gift, because we're having it specially made.

         But now is the time to get ideas and start stocking up on stuff. How perfect would mini chocolate bars and candy be for a stocking? Right now, they'er EVERYWHERE, and everywhere is trying to compete with prices. Also some places are carrying little non food treats for trick-or-treaters. Glowsticks, they're a fantastic stocking stuffer, especially if you can find some fun ones. Colouring books, crayons, socks. There are TONS of ideas out there. Something I came across years ago on pinterest could be helpful as well. This is a concept in place for gifts as a whole, it's to help you keep from going overboard for your kids for Christmas (even knowing this I wish myself luck with that) and keeps your kids from getting too greedy too. It's something you want, something you need, something to wear, and something to read. It can be applied to a stocking on a lesser scale I feel.

           So that's my little blip about stockings, onto business, your assignment, start stocking stuffers. As previously mentioned, they get forgotten and cost a lot. Getting started now means, a) You aren't part of the last min rush trying to get a stocking together, and b) much like your grocery list you can catch stuff on sale and save a few bucks.

         K, Luv Ya, Bye!

         Nancy, Cale, Jake and Alice

Monday, 15 October 2018

Christmas Post #14, Online Shopping/ Make gifts

  You may not have given a LOT of thought to Christmas shopping yet, other than the list I suggested making a while back. Now the thing to consider is how much will you need to order online? I am a BIG advocate for buying local, and I always will stimulate my local economy first, but some things you need to buy online in this day and age. That being said too, there are stores that you can purchase items from their website through the store (Cale and I BOTH work for companies that do).

         Now places like Amazon though, you want to get your shopping started. You'll have your items before they sell out, which happens. Also before prices inflate...because this year's hottest toy, it will get pricey. You also have it done, which is a fantastic feeling. Knocking online shopping off your list now, will alleviate stress and cost later. Personally I prefer to be done by December 1st, to avoid the boom.w

         While I suggest getting the online DONE now, I also encourage you to keep on top of the rest of your gift shopping as well, so you have it done early.

         Then there is the homemade gifts. I have always done at least one each year (one example above), and this year, I'm pretty sure most of the gifts I'm doing are homemade, or I'm putting it together myself. Jake and Cale are probably the only exception, and Jake... I still have one or two that might get made. Here is the thing, these can be time consuming and right now, you HAVE time. I'm WELL underway with these, and the stores are starting to carry their Christmas stuff if that is what has been holding you back.

         K, Luv Ya, Bye!

         Nancy, Cale, Jake and Alice

Friday, 12 October 2018

Christmas Post #13, Fall Cleaning

         Everyone loves the cleaning posts right?! Well then enjoy! Today we tackle (or get ready to tackle) Fall Cleaning. This is inside and out. we're getting to the time of year you're not going to be able to keep those windows open, so do the deep cleaning. This is scrubbing walls, major deep cleaning...inside. The whole point of Spring cleaning is to get rid of the gunk you have been living with, cooped up, all Winter long, and start fresh. This is why I like the idea of Fall cleaning. You open all your windows and let the cooler air breeze through the house as you get yourself a blank slate to start the season. This post has always been a part of this blog series, but something I have discovered since becoming a mom, you can have all these intentions to have a spotless house, but some time life can get in the way, or it can just be overwhelming. I suggest taking it one room at a time, and don't give yourself a deadline for this part, just get started chipping away. It's a big job, be kind to yourself.

         Outside, it's time to pack away the BBQ for another season, the garden hose, the fire pits, for another year. Put away the patio furniture, clean windows, siding and the deck if needed. Rake the leaves and get in your last mow of the year. For us this also includes getting the snowblower set and it trades places in the shed with the mower.

         Get this all set before it starts to get too cold.

         K, Luv Ya, Bye!

         Nancy, Cale, Jake and Alice

        PS, I do this post around the same time each year, but this year in particular, we're hearing we might get an early better safe than sorry

Wednesday, 10 October 2018

Christmas Post #12, Get Ready for Halloween

  There is one Holiday (debated term) that people go as crazy for as Christmas it seems. This of course, is Halloween, and we're only 21 days away. We had our costumes planned out for a while now, but if you haven't now is the time to figure out the household costumes (if you need to) and get them, before they are well picked over. If it's a costume you need to piece together, you might need a little more time too.

         I also recommend getting your treats now too, though this can be a double edged sword. I also recommend putting them somewhere that they're out of sight, and out of mind. I know we've had years we bought 2 boxes of chips and by Halloween, we had 1 1/2 left...which I feel showed great restraint on our part. So hide em, until you need em. I know last year, we had about half as many kids as we planned we need to debate if we want the same amount for our own enjoyment, or save a couple bucks and get a little less.

        Finally, decor. I know decorating for Halloween is not as big as it used to be...or it has blown up, you're at one end of the spectrum or the other. We're the freaks in the middle, and almost everything I do I did diy and/or on a dime. I feel like motherhood has made me go soft for Halloween. I remember as a kid there was a house that you walked up to the door and you thought a dummy was sitting on the porch, but no, it was the home owner dressed up, and he moved and made you jump. As a kid I always thought I would do this, but now I guess I'm more worried about scaring little kids. I mean a little scare here and there is fine, and fun on Halloween, but I don't want to be the one doing it. As a result, my decor is pretty playful, maybe we'll go creepier when Jake is older. Here is a confession, I have never carved a real pumpkin in my's true, closest I have come is my little Michael's one, that goes in the window with a flameless candle. I also took one of those classic pumpkin buckets and took out the bottom and one little section in the back and it slides over my outside light. Another diy I do, I save some toilet paper rolls and cut creepy eye shapes in them, and put glow sticks inside and put them in my bushes. And then there is roll of danger tape I bought at the dollar store when I lived in Kentville. Let me stress, this was when Cale and I were still in college...we graduated 11 years ago... this roll owes me nothing!

         So today's assignment, is ALL Halloween.

         K, Luv ya, Bye!

         Nancy, Cale, Jake and Alice

Monday, 8 October 2018

Christmas Post #11, Happy Thanksgiving

          Happy Thanksgiving. We've had another great year. We got to spend the morning with my brother and sister in-law, who just showered Jake in love and attention. And of course we got to enjoy a wonderful dinner with my in-laws and my Uncles. We have so much to be thankful for, especially this year with our newest addition. I love that here in Canada we have our Thanksgiving earlier than the states because it kind of starts this time of year off on a gracious family note.

         On a less happy note, there was a local incident for us, where some people got injured while at work at our local refinery. As terrible as that is, I think we all need to be very thankful it wasn't more serious, because it REALLY could have been.

         Today's assignment may not seem productive, however I truly feel it is. Take some time to count your blessings. As we head into the season of surplus, keeping this in mind is a positive thing I think.

          We had a fantastic dinner, made by my mother in-law, and loads of laughs to be had by all, and lots of snoozing from Jake.

         K, luv ya, bye

         Nancy, Cale, Jake and Alice

Friday, 5 October 2018

Christmas Post #10, Finish up for Thanksgiving

        In the very first post of this series, I explained that we cover all the holidays leading up to Christmas, so there are times that these posts will have NOTHING to do with Christmas planning. This is one of those. All this post is for is to remind you to get all you Thanksgiving plans sorted, and the last minute things you may need to pick up.

         This is probably mostly your produce, and maybe a thing or two special to your family. Something I've seen people on cloth napkins, we adopted into our family last year, but we did it on a pumpkin. Micheal's sells these hollow pumpkins, and I always wanted one for Halloween. I happened to catch them on a BOGO day last year, so I got my orange one for Halloween and a white one for Thanksgiving. We all wrote something we were thankful for on the white one, with the year. There is still tons of room on it, so we continue the tradition this year.

         So enjoy your Thanksgiving! I'll have a new post on Monday, late, but it will be coming with a pic of our festivities.

         K, Luv Ya, Bye!

         Nancy, Cale, Jake and Alice

        PS The pic on this post is a tradition we started last year. I always wanted one of the Michael's craft pumpkins, and I happened to hit them on bogo. One of the pumpkins I got was the one you see there. We started the tradition of writing what we were thankful on the pumpkin. If you look close,there are a couple about expecting Jake (the rule was not everyone could put the same thing).

Wednesday, 3 October 2018

Christmas Post # 9, Prepare the Home!

This one isn't what I would consider a fun post, however it can reduce a LOT of stress. Prepare the home is pretty vague, here is what it includes, any home projects, and your home safety check. Are there any home renos, painting or home services that need to be done before the big day? Set the deadline, and set it EARLY. If you can get them done now, do it, but set your deadline no later than early November, that's when everyone else will be starting to scramble.

         As far as the home safety check goes, sadly the Holidays are the time of year with the highest risk of home accidents. Here are a few things to check:

                     - Check smoke detectors, replace batteries or unit
                     - Check Carbon Monoxide detectors
                     - Vacuum Dryer Ducts
                     - Check fire extinguishers, and have one in the kitchen (preferably one on each floor)
                     - Light bulbs (this may or may not be safety) and have extras
                     - Check Electric outlets, and make sure they aren't overloaded
                     - Check electric cords, any fraying
                     - Check your water heater
                     - Stock your First Aid kit

          Get this out of the way now, and you can feel much safer going into the holiday season

          K, Luv Ya, Bye!

          Nancy, Cale, Jake and Alice

Monday, 1 October 2018

Christmas Post #8, Master Grocery List

          One of the more recent assignments was to make your menu over Christmas. I also mentioned there was a reason I suggested doing it SO early, and this is the reason, we're now going to make our grocery list.

          So this is not as simple as making a grocery list, I make the list, and then break up the list as well. When you break it up it should be in 3 Categories, Non-Perishable, Frozen and Perishable. The reason for this is so you can spread out the cost of the groceries over the coming months. When it comes to me writing this blog, I try to be ahead on the assignments (that's why you get these pics). As a result, I have this underway. I try and grab one or two items a week, and add them to my stash.  This is where I suggest using that app I've talked about before, Flipp. With Flipp, you can enter in your grocery list and it shows you the places that have certain items on sale and the lowest price. This is how I know I'm saving the money because I'm getting a smokin deal, and I use price match like a bandit.  I use this regularly for my groceries, when we get to the time of year, I start with my Christmas grocery list, find a few things on sale and add them to my list. This just adds a little more to my grocery list weekly, it's typically about $10,  and saves me money in the long run.

          I think you see where I'm going with this, you're going to want to get the non-perishable started, now. To make it easier, I also designate somewhere for Christmas groceries specifically. It's a rarely used cupboard above the fridge. This means I know these groceries are off limits, and because I go early, I have a bit of a crowd already.

         Your latest assignment

         K, Luv Ya, Bye!

         Nancy, Cale, Jake and Alice