Wednesday 3 October 2018

Christmas Post # 9, Prepare the Home!

This one isn't what I would consider a fun post, however it can reduce a LOT of stress. Prepare the home is pretty vague, here is what it includes, any home projects, and your home safety check. Are there any home renos, painting or home services that need to be done before the big day? Set the deadline, and set it EARLY. If you can get them done now, do it, but set your deadline no later than early November, that's when everyone else will be starting to scramble.

         As far as the home safety check goes, sadly the Holidays are the time of year with the highest risk of home accidents. Here are a few things to check:

                     - Check smoke detectors, replace batteries or unit
                     - Check Carbon Monoxide detectors
                     - Vacuum Dryer Ducts
                     - Check fire extinguishers, and have one in the kitchen (preferably one on each floor)
                     - Light bulbs (this may or may not be safety) and have extras
                     - Check Electric outlets, and make sure they aren't overloaded
                     - Check electric cords, any fraying
                     - Check your water heater
                     - Stock your First Aid kit

          Get this out of the way now, and you can feel much safer going into the holiday season

          K, Luv Ya, Bye!

          Nancy, Cale, Jake and Alice

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