Monday, 15 October 2018

Christmas Post #14, Online Shopping/ Make gifts

  You may not have given a LOT of thought to Christmas shopping yet, other than the list I suggested making a while back. Now the thing to consider is how much will you need to order online? I am a BIG advocate for buying local, and I always will stimulate my local economy first, but some things you need to buy online in this day and age. That being said too, there are stores that you can purchase items from their website through the store (Cale and I BOTH work for companies that do).

         Now places like Amazon though, you want to get your shopping started. You'll have your items before they sell out, which happens. Also before prices inflate...because this year's hottest toy, it will get pricey. You also have it done, which is a fantastic feeling. Knocking online shopping off your list now, will alleviate stress and cost later. Personally I prefer to be done by December 1st, to avoid the boom.w

         While I suggest getting the online DONE now, I also encourage you to keep on top of the rest of your gift shopping as well, so you have it done early.

         Then there is the homemade gifts. I have always done at least one each year (one example above), and this year, I'm pretty sure most of the gifts I'm doing are homemade, or I'm putting it together myself. Jake and Cale are probably the only exception, and Jake... I still have one or two that might get made. Here is the thing, these can be time consuming and right now, you HAVE time. I'm WELL underway with these, and the stores are starting to carry their Christmas stuff if that is what has been holding you back.

         K, Luv Ya, Bye!

         Nancy, Cale, Jake and Alice

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