Friday 26 October 2018

Christmas Post #19 Organize and Inventory


              This is one of those "house chore" assignments. I find this one productive for me though, because if I didn't do this one once a year, my linen closet and hall might just be a swirling vortex of things we forget about.

         Today's assignment, go through the linen and entryway closets! You're going to Organize them, purge what you don't need and figure out what you do. A lot of people also store their bathroom supplies in their linen closet, so I'm adding that to the inventory list too. You want to make sure you not only have enough towels for guests, but that they aren't sleeping on the moth hole ridden bed sheets shoved to the back of the closet. Get it now, and get it early. As far as bathroom supplies go, we're talking soaps, toothbrushes (I've mentioned these before in earlier posts), and of course TOILET PAPER! You run out on Christmas Day, you're using wrapping paper my friend. Cale and I typically get our TP at Costco, so I take out a couple sleeves from that big package and tuck them away. We MIGHT buy another household every day pack between now and Christmas, but I like to know I'm FOR SURE covered.

         Our next post will be the very first Assessment Post, so if you found you may have fallen behind, this post might come in handy.

        K, Luv Ya, Bye!

        Nancy, Cale, Jake and Alice

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