Monday 8 October 2018

Christmas Post #11, Happy Thanksgiving

          Happy Thanksgiving. We've had another great year. We got to spend the morning with my brother and sister in-law, who just showered Jake in love and attention. And of course we got to enjoy a wonderful dinner with my in-laws and my Uncles. We have so much to be thankful for, especially this year with our newest addition. I love that here in Canada we have our Thanksgiving earlier than the states because it kind of starts this time of year off on a gracious family note.

         On a less happy note, there was a local incident for us, where some people got injured while at work at our local refinery. As terrible as that is, I think we all need to be very thankful it wasn't more serious, because it REALLY could have been.

         Today's assignment may not seem productive, however I truly feel it is. Take some time to count your blessings. As we head into the season of surplus, keeping this in mind is a positive thing I think.

          We had a fantastic dinner, made by my mother in-law, and loads of laughs to be had by all, and lots of snoozing from Jake.

         K, luv ya, bye

         Nancy, Cale, Jake and Alice

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