Wednesday, 17 October 2018

Christmas Post # 15, Stocking Stuffers

         Stockings, they are the forgotten item that ends up costing way more than we expect. So this year Cale and I decided to downsize on the stockings. You may be like my family, and the kids get the stockings, or like Cale's and they all did a stocking for each other when they got older. Because I'm not working this year, and we're on a tighter budget, we're not doing stockings for each other. Alice might get one, and Jake is going to get his. We decided since it's his first Christmas, and he's not going to remember it, his stocking will actually be part of his gift, because we're having it specially made.

         But now is the time to get ideas and start stocking up on stuff. How perfect would mini chocolate bars and candy be for a stocking? Right now, they'er EVERYWHERE, and everywhere is trying to compete with prices. Also some places are carrying little non food treats for trick-or-treaters. Glowsticks, they're a fantastic stocking stuffer, especially if you can find some fun ones. Colouring books, crayons, socks. There are TONS of ideas out there. Something I came across years ago on pinterest could be helpful as well. This is a concept in place for gifts as a whole, it's to help you keep from going overboard for your kids for Christmas (even knowing this I wish myself luck with that) and keeps your kids from getting too greedy too. It's something you want, something you need, something to wear, and something to read. It can be applied to a stocking on a lesser scale I feel.

           So that's my little blip about stockings, onto business, your assignment, start stocking stuffers. As previously mentioned, they get forgotten and cost a lot. Getting started now means, a) You aren't part of the last min rush trying to get a stocking together, and b) much like your grocery list you can catch stuff on sale and save a few bucks.

         K, Luv Ya, Bye!

         Nancy, Cale, Jake and Alice

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