Wednesday 31 October 2018

Christmas Post #21, Happy Halloween


          Happy Halloween! In our first post, we talked about how we recognize, and show the proper respect for each Holiday, and though some would debate Halloween, here we include it! Today's assignment is simple, be safe and have fun.

          We won't be venturing out tonight, instead, we will be staying at home and potentially watching Halloween themed movies on netflix...probably the wiggles earlier on. We agreed, before Jake can walk up to the doors, we're not going trick-or treating...not to mention I wouldn't let him eat about 90% of the treats this year.

          If you're out with the little ones, keep them visible, and safe. If you're driving around the little ones, please slow down. I will say this though too, and it could potentially piss some people off. A few years ago in our subdivision, there were parents driving slowly down the street while their kids went door to douche move. YOU are the one pissing off the other drivers, not the kids they know to slow down for. End of rant.

        K, Luv Ya, Bye!

        Nancy, Cale, Jake and Alice

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