Wednesday 26 September 2018

Christmas Post #6, Plan the Menu

         This might seem a little early, but I promise there is a reason I get you to do it early...and you'll see why soon, not today, but soon. Today I want you to plan out your menu. So this isn't, plan your one big Christmas meal. No, this is look at the number of days you need to supply food for, and plan a menu for all of them. We're talking all meals, potential snacks, and what could be covered by leftovers. For us we need to be able to cover Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, Boxing day, and the 27th. I choose these days because well, stores aren't open for two of them, and they're a mad house for the other two (typically the 27th is because we work the boxing day sales). 

       What are your traditions? We have a specific Christmas eve, and Day dinner, Hot Chocolate on Christmas Eve, Appetizers on Boxing Day etc. Fill in the things you KNOW you're going to have, in detail. These are the traditions, then I simplify to the best of your ability. Here is what ours typically looks like, with a couple notes:

      Christmas Eve: Breakfast- (what I typically have) Oatmeal 
                                Lunch- Hamburger Soup (soup is easy, quick to reheat, and we'll have enough poultry soon. I make a BIG pot)
                                Dinner- Tortier Pie, Salad and Home fries
                                Other- Hot Chocolate, Cookies, snacks 

        Christmas:       Breakfast- Overnight slow cooker breakfast (Christmas morning is chaos, this is a life saver)
                                Lunch- (if needed) Leftover soup
                                Dinner- Turkey Dinner
                                Other- Munchies
          Boxing Day: Breakfast- leftovers or cereal
                                Lunch- Appitizers
                                Dinner- Leftovers (either a plate of the turkey dinner, one of our leftover turkey recipes or appetizers, or soup)

         Dec 27th:       All Leftovers, all day

          That pot of soup at the beginning is a LIFESAVER, and easy to toss together. That's your newest assignment.

       K, Luv Ya, Bye
       Nancy, Cale, Jake and Alice 

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