Wednesday 2 November 2016

PLAN your decorating

My Christmas Decorations, Hibernating 

Well I'm officially kicking into High gear at my house with Christmas planning and prep. Today's post is about decorating. By no means am I saying you should be doing your decorating RIGHT NOW. People have mixed feelings about before Remembrance Day, and before December. Around December 1st, I may light a fire under you and say get started, but beyond that, no, I'll never tell you WHEN to start decorating.

      There is actually a few things to take into consideration, for starters, are you doing EVERYTHING in one day? In my house growing up, and still today, we do the outside lights first, then the house and finish with the tree, generally each is done on a different day. So now I know I need to set aside 3 days for decorating. ALSO,is it kind of something you do as a solo act? do you want to do it as a family? Because now you need to take into account more schedules. Haul out the Calendar and plan each of these events. Also, did you want to have anything special for the decorating? I know when I was a kid we liked hot chocolate after setting up the lights, and I like to watch a christmas movie after the tree is up. Think of all of this and plan accordingly.

     Also, do you need to pick anything up? Well I'm in my first house this year, so we need to get a ladder, and outside lights. I've got an eventual plan for my house in my head, but this year we're keeping it basic and really only getting new lights. If I worked in retail or not, we'd likely be all decorated before December 1st in my house...if you haven't figured it out yet, I like Christmas...But basically after November 25th (ironically this year) Hubs and I have majorly conflicting schedules, so it's become a necessity. I will say this though, if you do no other part early, I do recommend doing the lights early if you have to go outside, because it's only getting colder.

     So in a nutshell time to figure out what you need for decor, and when you plan to do it, with all the bells and whistles.

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