Thursday 24 November 2016

My Go-to Potluck Recipe

     I work in retail, and have Black Friday coming up. One really cool thing my workplace does for Black Friday is we have a Potluck. Last year, I was the one who brought the coffee travelers BUT this year my typical go-to potluck contribution has been requested. Not the first time I have had this requested of me, so I thought I'd share the recipe. It's super easy. The pic above is for 2 batches, because this is for the potluck on Friday. So below I have posted the recipe, enjoy!

     1 Cup Sour Cream
     1 Cup Mayo
     1 Pouch Cream of Leek Soup
     1 Pack Frozen Spinach (or half of the pack you see above)
     1 Loaf of Sour Dough Bread (optional)

     Thaw Spinach

     Mix together all the ingredients except the Sour Dough and let sit in Fridge for several hours

     Cut Sour Dough into a bowl, and tear up bread for dipping. Empty Dip into "bowl" and serve

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