Friday 18 November 2016

If You are Reading this....

Super old pic, but has the triumphant look I wanted...HI KATE! 

     If you are reading this post, I did it! I wrote this post on Tuesday, kind of to motivate myself. In my post I did on Tuesday, I shared that I had some personal stuff going on. I'm still not ready to share those (because as I type this it's ACTUALLY like and hour later), but one of the things I can share with you about it is, I have to lose weight. Doctors orders.

     I would love to tell you, that when I got said orders, I came right home, got on a strict diet and a really tough workout plan, I would like to tell you that, but I would be lying. No, when I got the news I ended up eating an entire bag of poutine chips. AH progress. No, unfortunately, my motivations have been much more shallow. I looked at a group picture that they took at work on Halloween and didn't like what I saw. Then I saw another picture from work, and a picture from last year's Christmas party, and then they announced this year's Christmas party, and I want to look GOOD, It's incredibly shallow I know, but this is unfortunately what has motivated me.

     Since I'm confessing here, I don't know about you, but I have pinned the CRAP out of a ton of stuff that was supposed to help me "lose weight fast"...but let me be frank, the would have made me "lose weight fast" if I lost it simply by clicking a mouse. Good intentions, but no follow through.

     BUT if you are reading this, I did what I wanted to do! Last Friday night, I weighed myself and said I wanted to be down 5 lbs by next week. If you are reading this, I did it! I may set the same goal once again for next Friday, and shed a little more light on what I'm up to, but for now, simply know I'm amped, and I reached my goal!:D