Friday 25 November 2016

Frozen Foods

     Happy Black Friday! So I will warn, I did write this one WELL in Advance. Why?? It's Black Friday, and I work in Retail. When this gets posted, I'll already be working. None the less I wanted to make sure I put a post on here, however brief it might be. So back in September, we made our Grocery list, and we broke it down into 3 parts. Non-perishable, Frozen, and Fresh. I also instructed you, to get started on those non-perishables. Hopefully your collection looks something like this.

      We should be getting close to the end for those, keep your eyes peeled for your handful of non-perishables, but now is the time to start watching for those Frozen deals. Yup, we've made it, time to start our freezer foods. 

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