Friday 23 November 2018

Christmas Post #32 Black Friday

 I work in retail, so this is a SUPER weird Black Friday for me, because I'm on Mat leave and not going to ANY stores. Such a weird feeling. I can honestly say where I work, we try and make black Friday fun. But I have zero desire to be a shopper today.

      So if you're like me and spending the day at home away from the mayham, make a day of it. Jake and I are cuddling and having some special drinks and watching Christmas movies. I might have a look at some stuff to get done around the house but for the most part today is about relaxing.

      I plan to get cozy, and when Cale gets home from work (who also works retail btw) I will have some hot chocolate and treats waiting for him.

     One other thing that might be a good idea to look at today is your progress with your gift buying. How close to done are you? Part of this series is about spreading out the cost and the stress of he holidays, this very much includes the gifts you're buying. If the kids haven't solidified their wish list, get after them.


     K, Luv Ya, Bye

     Nancy, Cale, Jake and Alice

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