Sunday 11 November 2018

Christmas post #26, Remembrance Day

          In the beginning of this series, I promised to recognize, and show respect to the holidays leading up to Christmas. Today is actually the last one, so I post today about Remembrance day. Remembrance Day originated after World War 1, it is celebrated on the 11th day, of the 11th month, on the 11th hour, when hostilities ceased. Since then it has grown, including those who have fought and been injured, and those we were lucky enough to see come home.

         Growing up, it was taught that Remembrance Day was sacred, and we should consider ourselves lucky to live in the country we do, with the freedoms we have. Though as a child, I didn't actually wrap my head around these teachings, it was a moment a year I HAD to be quiet (which if you know me now, you can imagine how hard that would have been for me as a child).

        It's in the last few years I have actually come to appreciate the holiday itself, and have found myself searching around 10 am every year for our local broadcaster to show the local ceremonies. In a few years when Jake is older, I'd like to attend them, but for now, we have our private moment of silence as a family.

        I encourage you to do the same at 11 o'clock this morning.

        Lest We Forget

        Nancy, Cale, Jake and Alice

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