Friday 16 November 2018

Christmas Post #29, Start Shopping

   Up Until this point, I have simply suggested in passing you start your shopping for Christmas, Today it becomes your assignment. If you are one of those people who does ALL of your shopping Christmas eve, and me saying this makes you cringe, know the feeling is very much mutual.

         So here is why NOW is a fantastic time to get started. For starters, next week is the OFFICAL start to the Holiday shopping season, so you can incorporate these deals into your shopping. Some of these sales start early too, or they have pre Black Friday sales. If you are shopping for kids, you want those hot ticket items at home and safe. I remember last year, everyone wanted fingerlings, and EVERYWHERE was sold out, beat the rush early bird, and get your worm. The main goal of this blog series is to cut out the stress of the holidays, personally, I find shopping can be the biggest stresser for me because I'm not a big fan of crowds. When I'm working, I kind of love it, because it keeps me busy, but as the consumer...not so much. I try and set the deadline of December 1st for myself, and I typically have to psyche myself our after that if I have to hit the stores.

      So there you have it, the newest assignment

      K, Luv Ya, Bye!

      Nancy, Cale, Jake and Alice

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