With the non-perishables I told you to keep them separate from your everyday groceries so you knew they were specifically for Christmas. You may not have the option with the freezer items. Last year was my first Christmas having a chest freezer, and we actually have a small one. Prior to that I had been using fridge freezers and once upon a time, apartment fridge freezers. Christmas co-mingles the day to day food. For that reason I just keep a sharpie marker handy, if it's for Christmas, it gets a big C on it.
Just a couple things to add. I'm still trying to wipe out my non perishable list first, if I have nothing left on it at all ( unlikely) it feels like a win to me. Another thing when it comes to frozen, I tend to pick up fewer items on that list per week than I did the previous list. I do this because the frozen list, is typically a more expensive list. With the non perishables I got 4 different things one week, and didn't break $10. This is the list with meat, and pricier appetizers. Now if bumping the budget up a little more doesn't bug you, awesome, but this is generally what I do.
Before I close I want to mention in four days is Remembrance Day. While I know there are times where the world is seeming like a rather dark place, I still truly believe we're lucky to live where we are, and how we do. So please remember to wear your poppy with pride and take those few moments of silence on the 11th.
K, Luv Ya, Bye!
Nancy, Cale, Jake and Alice
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