Monday, 8 January 2018

Wrap it all up

Well I sit here now a little sad, it’s all over for another year. Christmas was wonderful, not quite what we planned, but to be fair, does it ever go 100% to plan? I mentioned in the early post, my blog isn’t to give you a magazine styled Christmas, it’s to help make your Christmas, your way, and make it easier. I hope I was able to do this. This year, I felt my blogs were more consistent and helpful.
                What’s coming up? Well here is my PLAN! I will stress plan, because I’m not making a commitment, not sure what’s coming for me in the next couple months. My plan is to continue doing blog posts, to be fair it was last year too. But I plan to do some posts about my pregnancy. Before pregnancy, and during, I was super into reading blogs and watching vlogs about pregnancy, and motherhood. I’ve got no experience with motherhood yet, but I do have some stories of pregnancy.
                Back to this blog series though. I do plan to do it again next year (actually to an extent I have it organized already), so watch for that. I also posted on FB already an offer to people who enjoy my series, next year I can share it on  your facebook wall when I post on my pages. This way you’re alerted to the posts and know where to find them. I have a short list of names as it is, but if you’re interested, please let me know.

K, Luv ya, Bye

Nancy, Cale and Alice

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