Wednesday, 17 January 2018

Pregnancy Post #5, Is this Nesting?!

         Well I guess I expected a nesting phase to start when I reached Maternity leave, but I feel like nesting has started with me.

         So all I want to do is wash his stuff. I haven't given in 100% as of yet, but I have washed some, and now all I do is sniff it...that's right, I walk into my unborn son's room, and take a hit off of freshly laundered blankets. I also said, I would wait until we got a lot closer to his due date prior to buying him clothes...nope, I caved. So my plan, right off the bat is to have him basically in sleepers, considering he's going to be mostly sleeping. When I walk into Babies R Us or Walmart, I brace myself, and use restraint. However, when I was looking for tank tops for me (which I didn't find) didn't I spot sleepers for a good buy. Yup, I lost to temptation. I just dug the little monster, and for me the bear reminded of my teddy bear when I was a kid.

          So that's one part. I also am DYING to get everything for organizing and decorating in his room. So I had planned for the change table organizing, but not the closet, so I gave in for the closet and got my storage the way I wanted it. The change table organizing is part of my registry so the itch continues. 

          What's more, I want to get the house ready, and all of our ducks in a row. I'm not saying we're lazy people...all the time, but some times things fall through the cracks. I'm peeking between the cracks and picking up the slack now. I'm also thinking of little things we might want to stock up on. Like linens, toiletries, meals...wait...this isn't my Christmas series right?

           So I feel like nesting has begun...a little sooner than I expected but there it is. 

          K, Luv Ya, Bye!


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