Monday, 8 January 2018

Pregnancy post #1, Terrible cold

                Every year when I’m doing blog posts around this time, there is one about combating a massive cold…I said after the Christmas posts were done, I’d be getting into the posts about my pregnancy…and I am…while combating a massive cold. Before anyone jumps the gun here, I DID get a flu shot…so let’s crush that right now.
                Last night was my work’s Holiday party, as the captain of our social committee, I needed to keep it together for the  party. Was all hydration and vitamin c. But basically as soon as I got through the door, it caught up to me. Now typically speaking when I have a cold, I have a method. I take a night time cold medication so I can get some rest. I have avoided popping pills through my entire pregnancy, so instead I put a concoction into my oil diffuser. The only thing I’ve been popping is vicks vitamin c drops. I also try for a lot of hydration. Now usually I rotate Tea, OJ, and Water, once an hour for hydration.  I’m still doing my hourly rotation, but because of my gestational diabetes, OJ is not my friend as far as my sugars go, and tea, I have to be strategic with my time placement. SO Water has played a big role. Beyond that it’s been hacking up all the grossness I have in me. I have a total lack of voice right now, and I’m trying to rest as best I can, but in all honesty, I’m scared to try any more than I have.
                 Needless to say, Karaoke did not happen at the company party.

                K Luv Ya Bye!  

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