Monday, 29 January 2018

Pregnancy Post #7, Productivity, or Lack There Of

              I  write this post, with little to no energy. I usually come into a blog post and I'm excited to share something, and I have like no drive right now. So I'm at a point where I'm always tired. As a result, working an 8 hour retail shift has become complicated. SO until my official Maternity Leave starts, I'm on sick leave. I have seriously mixed feelings about this. I really enjoy my job, my co-workers and my customers, I knew leaving would be rough, but I thought I had a little more time.

             Anyway, let's not get into downer mode. I had a slightly more productive day yesterday, but today...yeah, not so much. To make myself do anything, I kind of have a loose routine, that I have to mentally accept I can't always accomplish. I have been off work a week as of tomorrow, and it's been a lot of resting, but I'm getting restless, I want to get stuff done around my house. The other thing with this routine, is I have to keep in mind my timing for meds, and for testing my blood (if you haven't read previous posts, I have a kidney disease (the meds) and gestational diabetes (blood)).

             Another thing I have been doing is stocking up on food...sounds weird, I'm having a's not the Zombie Apocalypse ( or any apocalypse, but for me, as a walking dead super fan, any future apocalypse is the "Zombie" apocalypse). But I see me having little to no time or energy to do much shopping or food prep. As a result, Costco hauls have become bigger. Large bags of frozen fruit, and veggies play a BIG role. Meat is also a go to, and Toiletries, I think they're mandatory. I realize I have Cale to help with everything, but I would also like to give him a chance to spend time with his son, or even rest because he plans to help me when we get up through the night...and then go to work the next day. I'd like to limit his trips too. Meanwhile I stocked up on some aluminum pans and foil, and when I cook, I make really large amounts and freeze them with a label and instructions. I have some pot pies, pasta bakes, stuffed peppers, etc. This is where most of my productivity lies, I'm kind of a prepper.

Saturday, 20 January 2018

Pregnancy post #6, My Kidney Disease, and What it Can Do

             So my Friday post is a little late, but for good reason. Got a bit of a story for you. Thursday I was at work, and started getting dizzy and having some spots in front of my eyes. These are things that they say, go to the hospital for. I did, thinking I was overreacting, I guess I wasn't. So I've mentioned in the past, along with my gestational diabetes, I have a kidney disease. It's called Gitelman syndrome. It's rare, if I remember correctly, both your parents have to have a gene, they both have to give you the same gene, and then it needs to be set off. What it does is makes my kidneys filter out some nutrients faster than  they're supposed to, specifically potassium and magnesium. I can also function at a lower level of both nutrients than the average person, my body is just used to it. The problem is the effects of lower levels don't really impact me until my levels are getting into the danger zone. I do have a mild case...typically. This is something you usually have to take meds for. That being said pre pregnancy, I was eating a very potassium and magnesium rich diet, and I wasn't taking anything. My kid started zapping these nutrients, as I expected. So I was on meds. Then I got diagnosed with gestational diabetes. The problem is, many of these potassium rich foods, are packed with natural sugar.

              Back to Thursday, I went to the hospital. Thinking I overreacted, I was surprised to discover, not so much. Both nutrients were low. That being said, with the meds, I was used to the magnesium being low. They were upped, regularly. The potassium had been regulated early, so to hear how low it was, I was surprised. They admitted me, and hooked me up to an IV.  I didn't think this would be an issue but it was. I'm not terribly proud of this,but I started to panic. So I thought I was over this, apparently not.

              When I was five, my mom passed away from cancer. I remember my mom, but one thing I wish I didn't was all the machines, tubes and wires connected to her. When I was 13, I fought a nurse who put an IV in me. I thought I'd grown up and gotten over this, no, I didn't. I tried so hard to keep it together. Unfortunately, my veins weren't cooperating. They took four tries before they got it in. I kept it together for the first two tries. After that I started hyperventilating, and sweating. Try three was when I actually started crying about it, and felt like an idiot. 

               Getting back to the treatment. My kidney specialist talked to my diabetes specialist, looks like I'm going back to my old diet, and we're going to wait and see on my diabetes. Like I said, my kidney disease is very uncommon. So the experience with pregnancy isn't there, I think because it is actually more common in males as well.

               So today is about resting (I was laying on a stretcher for 12 hours before I got moved to a bed, I was stable, and there were emergencies happening), and getting my diet/ meds back on track.

Wednesday, 17 January 2018

Pregnancy Post #5, Is this Nesting?!

         Well I guess I expected a nesting phase to start when I reached Maternity leave, but I feel like nesting has started with me.

         So all I want to do is wash his stuff. I haven't given in 100% as of yet, but I have washed some, and now all I do is sniff it...that's right, I walk into my unborn son's room, and take a hit off of freshly laundered blankets. I also said, I would wait until we got a lot closer to his due date prior to buying him clothes...nope, I caved. So my plan, right off the bat is to have him basically in sleepers, considering he's going to be mostly sleeping. When I walk into Babies R Us or Walmart, I brace myself, and use restraint. However, when I was looking for tank tops for me (which I didn't find) didn't I spot sleepers for a good buy. Yup, I lost to temptation. I just dug the little monster, and for me the bear reminded of my teddy bear when I was a kid.

          So that's one part. I also am DYING to get everything for organizing and decorating in his room. So I had planned for the change table organizing, but not the closet, so I gave in for the closet and got my storage the way I wanted it. The change table organizing is part of my registry so the itch continues. 

          What's more, I want to get the house ready, and all of our ducks in a row. I'm not saying we're lazy people...all the time, but some times things fall through the cracks. I'm peeking between the cracks and picking up the slack now. I'm also thinking of little things we might want to stock up on. Like linens, toiletries, meals...wait...this isn't my Christmas series right?

           So I feel like nesting has begun...a little sooner than I expected but there it is. 

          K, Luv Ya, Bye!


Monday, 15 January 2018

Pregnancy Post #4, Dressing the bump, Part 2

          Before I continue on with this post, I want to mention, I'm not likely to share how I wore the pieces I have, over my bump. There are a million and one pinterest pins out there showing how to dress the bump. Pre pregnancy, I was always curious about how to cloth myself, and still be able to afford stuff for my kid. This is why I wanted to do everything on a dime. These posts are more about how I have been able to do it all on a dime.

          Continuing on. I'm now in birthing classes, getting lists of things I might need to pack in my hospital bag, and am now less than a month from when my maternity leave starts. So at this point I'm thinking what I'm going to be needing for the hospital and soon after the arrival of my little guy. So my first concern in my head is nursing, and that skin to skin time. For this I turned to my friend Amanda. She mentioned, basic spaghetti strap tank tops...that basically everyone has. The stretch and the straps themselves make it super easy to just pop down to feed. I was into H&M and was actually looking at nursing ones today, that come in a two pack for $30. Considering the prices I HAVE seen for nursing tops, this is a steal. BUT I decided to check in the regular clothing area, where I was able to grab 2 long ones for about half the price.

            Now I DID purchase nursing bras. I knew there were going to be some body changes through pregnancy, but figured if I didn't need to go up a size or two in bras, I could always just use my front closure ones I already owned. Do you remember the movie Now and Then, when Roberta would tape down her boobs? Well I felt like that...but no tape, my actual bras did this. So I thought, since I need to go up a size, let's get practical here. While my local Walmart got rid of their maternity section, they do still carry nursing bras, and I got a couple ridiculously comfy ones on the cheap.

           Another concern for me was, what would I do if I have a C section? I haven't had a doctor tell me I'm having one, on the contrary, they have told me "you never know". But it's been in my head that I will have one. So I started to do my research, and while my leggings might be a great idea if I do, my jeans? Not so much. Mother in-law to the rescue once again. She popped out again to grab me a few more pairs, and said basically what I've been thinking, that I could very well live in these exclusively for a while. Beyond that I wanted some joggers. Just some super lazy, comfy pants I could put over my belly. We made another trip to Walmart and hit up the men's section. I found two pairs, on a dime, and as long as I have my top down over my bump, they look big, and not ridiculous. Bonus, they're the same size Cale wears, so he can have them later if I stop using them.

          At this point, I think I'm well equipped for my own personal wear when lil dude shows. I may not be glamorous, I might even be a bit frumpy. But I'm comfy, and practical...and for me, those trump glamour.

          K, Luv Ya, Bye!

Pregnancy post #4, Dressing the bump, part 1

          When I was younger, I did a lot of online window shopping. More than once I thought, hey, I'm gonna shop maternity wear, even though it was seriously years until I would ever wear any. I've got about 10 weeks left of pregnancy, and I have no idea how much more my body will change between now and the arrival of my little man. That being said, I haven't broken the bank either, but I'm well taken care of. Here is what I have done.

           First thing, shop what you got. I looked at clothes that had a little more give to them, yoga pants, stretchy or flowy tops. I'm still able to wear a lot of my PJ pants below my bump, and the only maternity tops I own, were purchased for me. I also remove anything that doesn't fit anymore. I don't want to dwell on the fact a top I really like doesn't fit, and I want to grab my clothes I do wear easily. Leaving the stuff that is too small was just a huge mess so I removed it as it ended it's usefulness. Another thing I've done? Snagged a thing or two from Cale. He has one sweater he never wore, that I'm absolutely in love with.  I've been able to stay non-maternity for a lot of my clothes. BUT there are exceptions. 

          I hit up kijiji very early in my pregnancy, and I kind of hit the jackpot. I started with a belly band, which a lot of people swear by....for me it was, was short lived, but thankfully I spent like $10 on it, so I just have it packed away with other clothes that don't work anymore. Speaking of work, I purchased 1 pair of maternity work pants. Again I didn't spend a lot, maybe $15. Truth be told, I hate them. BUT I needed them, and from what I hear, dress pants kind of suck in general in maternity wear. K, so here is the jackpot. I had intention of purchasing 1 pair of jeans. The woman selling them had such a hard time selling, she ended up handing me 5 pairs of jeans, and said, just take them.One pair didn't work, but I'm well equipped with jeans.

           On one hand, I wasn't terribly lucky with the selection the city I live in has for maternity options, there is like one. On the other hand, I have a mother in-law who was more than happy to pick me up a pair of leggings early on, and she had a little more fun while she was at it. She picked me up yoga pants and a couple of maternity tops too. The pants are basically what I live in, I love them. The tops were basic, which is what I've been going for my entire pregnancy. Complicating can get expensive.

           This post is one I decided to do as a two parter. What I've covered, is stuff that has worked well for me, most of my pregnancy. That being said, as I'm planning my hospital bag, and wondering what I'll wear after, I'm picking up a couple of other pieces. These are the things I've been doing lately, and will show up later today!

            K, LuvYa, Bye!

Thursday, 11 January 2018

Pregnancy Post #3, A Moody post

            Tomorrow is typically when I would post a blog, but I have a lot on my plate with my diabetic clinic in the morning, and a butt load of errands to run, so are going to be fun, and some are the truest form of adulting. So I decided to post today, and while I feel the creative juices flowing, I'm a tad moody today, so we'll see how this goes. 

            Last night was birthing class #2, and it was a very interactive class. However I'm still fighting my cold, so I stayed back so I wouldn't infect the other offspring carriers, and wore one of those surgical masks they ask you to wear at the hospital when you're not 100%. That was like being in a sauna. Seriously, I wasn't having any sinus issues, but half way through the class I felt like my eyes were floating, and I became a heavy mouth breather...thank god most of my face wasn't visible. Speaking of visibility, reduced. Sans glasses I was attempting to squint, and luckily got the gist of everything...with the glasses was some serious foggy conditions. However, my kid, 100% worth it all, I don't want to miss any of these classes because I want to be as well equipped to make the actually birthing process as easy, and safe as possible for my little man. 

            And for just a second, allow me to gush about my big man, who was a rockstar this week. Not that he wasn't last week, but I did catch his chin on his chest once or twice when the lights went down. Not last night, last night, he took the helm. He was my cup holder...and really my anything I needed him to be holder. When we were practicing the stuff we could do from our seats, he was making me smile, and when I sat out the interactive parts, he was climbing all over the room to see what was happening. Most of the class was teaching the birth partner what to do, and he was paying very close attention. Don't be surprised if I go off on Cale gushing from time to time on here,because he has been amazing, and it's bound to happen. 

             Also, come to find out, another piece of baby furniture has arrived at my store! And it was the one I was hoping for next! The change table has arrived! Jake's room is currently pretty disorganized, aside from the closet, so I was waiting for this one, because most of the mayhem will be housed in the change table. 

             Well this blog post was... I guess more organized than I expected, kind of ranty, but there it is. excited (and maybe nervous) to see where my inspiration comes from on the next. 

              K, Luv ya, Bye

Wednesday, 10 January 2018

Pregnancy post #2, Gestational Diabetes

         When I planned on doing these posts, I had originally made a list of ones I thought would be fun to do. I seem to be getting some of the grittier parts done first, and let's be honest, I had no idea #1 would be about being sick with a cold.

           Right off the bat, thanks for the comments I got on the cold post, I got some good feedback and while I'm not 100% this is my best morning I've had since getting sick.
           I'm considered a higher risk pregnancy, for two reasons. On we'll cover today, and another on a later post. Today, I'm talking about my Gestational Diabetes. Gestational Diabetes is actually very common, and since I've been treating it properly, I feel a million times better. I'm part of some chat groups and stuff for pregnant women, due the same month as me and a LOT of them blame themselves, and take it pretty hard. I guess knowing how common it is, and how many people in my family have some form of diabetes, I shrugged it off and said, I'll do what I gotta do (it's a phrase I've used multiple times through my pregnancy). I'm also going to stress when I met with the dietitian after being diagnosed, one of the things they hammer home is, we did nothing wrong, this happens.

          The biggest issues I've had since being diagnosed? #1 was probably Christmas. I am not on insulin, I control everything with diet alone. So while I was still posting about some of my traditions on my blog, some I had to pass up, like my Christmas Eve Hot Chocolate, and most of my plate for Christmas dinner was greens. The biggest temptation has also been the cookies. I don't have a huge sweet tooth, but I do enjoy cookies now and then, and we had already done our baking when I was diagnosed. We still have a few kicking around at this point, and I can have one or two, as long as I'm careful.

            Another issue I've kind of had, is being tethered to my meter in more ways than one. So every morning I do my first test, and then two hours after each meal. I'm still working so I often wonder what my co-workers think when I have to run off the floor RIGHT after we open, because it's been two hours since breakfast (of course that has happened for other reasons as well). Night time is harder for me too. I'm supposed to have supper, and then wait two hours, do my blood and then have a snack before bed. I have been going to bed around 8:00 since my first trimester...some times I've forgotten and eaten before I check and then I'm reading higher...or I'm almost asleep and barely functioning to do my blood, or have a snack.

            In all fairness, if these are my biggest drawbacks, I'm doing well. No two pregnancies are alike, and things happen. For me, I guess I realized early on how little control I had in a lot of this process, so I just take it as it comes...don't get me wrong, I still wake up in the night stressing about something now and then, but for the most part, I just deal. By the way, way out of character for me too, I can stress very easily, and often.

             K Luv Ya Bye


Monday, 8 January 2018

Pregnancy post #1, Terrible cold

                Every year when I’m doing blog posts around this time, there is one about combating a massive cold…I said after the Christmas posts were done, I’d be getting into the posts about my pregnancy…and I am…while combating a massive cold. Before anyone jumps the gun here, I DID get a flu shot…so let’s crush that right now.
                Last night was my work’s Holiday party, as the captain of our social committee, I needed to keep it together for the  party. Was all hydration and vitamin c. But basically as soon as I got through the door, it caught up to me. Now typically speaking when I have a cold, I have a method. I take a night time cold medication so I can get some rest. I have avoided popping pills through my entire pregnancy, so instead I put a concoction into my oil diffuser. The only thing I’ve been popping is vicks vitamin c drops. I also try for a lot of hydration. Now usually I rotate Tea, OJ, and Water, once an hour for hydration.  I’m still doing my hourly rotation, but because of my gestational diabetes, OJ is not my friend as far as my sugars go, and tea, I have to be strategic with my time placement. SO Water has played a big role. Beyond that it’s been hacking up all the grossness I have in me. I have a total lack of voice right now, and I’m trying to rest as best I can, but in all honesty, I’m scared to try any more than I have.
                 Needless to say, Karaoke did not happen at the company party.

                K Luv Ya Bye!  

Wrap it all up

Well I sit here now a little sad, it’s all over for another year. Christmas was wonderful, not quite what we planned, but to be fair, does it ever go 100% to plan? I mentioned in the early post, my blog isn’t to give you a magazine styled Christmas, it’s to help make your Christmas, your way, and make it easier. I hope I was able to do this. This year, I felt my blogs were more consistent and helpful.
                What’s coming up? Well here is my PLAN! I will stress plan, because I’m not making a commitment, not sure what’s coming for me in the next couple months. My plan is to continue doing blog posts, to be fair it was last year too. But I plan to do some posts about my pregnancy. Before pregnancy, and during, I was super into reading blogs and watching vlogs about pregnancy, and motherhood. I’ve got no experience with motherhood yet, but I do have some stories of pregnancy.
                Back to this blog series though. I do plan to do it again next year (actually to an extent I have it organized already), so watch for that. I also posted on FB already an offer to people who enjoy my series, next year I can share it on  your facebook wall when I post on my pages. This way you’re alerted to the posts and know where to find them. I have a short list of names as it is, but if you’re interested, please let me know.

K, Luv ya, Bye

Nancy, Cale and Alice

Friday, 5 January 2018

Pack it up

              Okay, it’s here…packing up the decorations. This one can seriously bum me out, and can be overwhelming. Last year I decided to take it slow, I turned something on the TV that I enjoyed, and just took my time. This year, I get tired quicker, so I have to take my time more, but I have help.
                I always make sure I take a lot of breaks. If it starts to feel like a lot, stop, because it actually is A LOT. As you put the decorations away, try to organize it too. Another thing you can do is haul out that decoration inventory list you may a couple months back and add things to it, or use it as a tool to help you organize.
                This is really going to be the last thing on our Christmas planning and prep series. I’ll have one more post just reflect and review this year’s series and start to make some plans for next year.

Wednesday, 3 January 2018

Snap some Pics

Alright back on track with the Christmas stuff. So you might be ahead of me for this part, some people like to have Christmas finished quickly…I’m not one of those people. I do however need to put myself on a schedule for it...I’ve had years where I had Santa celebrate Valentines day.
                Today we still leave the decorations where they are. Actually what I want you to do is go around the house and snap pics of how you decorated this year. This is to help with the process next year. You’ll see what you did, what you liked and what you want to repeat. You might also get ideas for what you would like to change next year.
                Your other task, if you haven’t yet, is to put those gifts away. Open gifts like to linger in our house, so they need to be on that schedule I was talking about or they could sit out a while.

These are your two tasks today

Monday, 1 January 2018

Happy New Year

Happy New Year, welcome to 2018! I hope you had a fun/ safe night last night. So this post isn’t a productive post when it comes to anything with your Christmas stuff. It’s your chance to actually stop, and relax a little. However, I will be reflecting on this post.
Last January, I did a vlog. I think I did a total of two and that was the end of it, even though I said I would do more. Not sure I’m committing to that this year. I might throw the odd one in, and I may even slip a little on my posts (I sure did last year), but there is a lot more work to go into a vlog VS a blog, and my blog is something I enjoy, so we’re going to stick with just that for now.
Last year on this vlog, I shared my top 3 goals for 2017, and what I resolutions were. I wanted to share how I did.
#1 Cale and I wanted to start a Family. My goal was not to have a baby by the end of the year ( I felt that was an awfully short deadline), it was to be Pregnant by the end of 2017. Mission accomplished! A completed resolution! I am in my third trimester now, and waiting for my son to be born in March.
#2 Taking better care of myself, physically and emotionally. So emotionally, I’m generally in a good place. I chalk a lot of that up to being pregnant, I’m a pretty happy pregnant person. I have my moments, and hours where I worry about stuff in the middle of the night, but for the most part I’m in a great place. Taking better care of myself physically…I’ll take it as a small victory, because I have, but I really had no choice. My pregnancy has been considered “high risk” to me, not the baby (thankfully). This is due to my kidney disease. If I don’t get enough sleep, keep myself nourished properly, and make sure I have taken my meds, I have difficulty functioning. As far as moving more goes…I don’t count that as a win. So in the winter last year, and the spring too, I would do small things, but I did find a lot of excuses not to get in exercise. Then in June I found out I was pregnant, and soon after the nausea started. It continued into my second trimester until we got my meds figured out, then I was just tired, and in that time I went from a part-time employee to full time…so I’m walking more…at work. I might give myself a 50% on this resolution. Stuff was achieved, but wasn’t all because of my drive.

#3 Purging and organizing.  Ummm….my basement is a little better. So our storage room/workshop/laundry room, is in pretty good shape. The main part of the basement…has improved. We still intend to use the basement at some point, and hopefully soon. However we have some slightly higher priorities to work with, with our son first. So this resolution has made progress, but was not achieved as far as I’m concerned.

Resolutions this year? No, I don’t think so. Like I’ve mentioned, with our family growing, I have no idea what is about to happen. Getting pregnant before the end of 2018 is definitely a no. Taking care of myself, well soon after he’s born I’ll have no choice again. BUT it may take the back burner until I find my rhythm as a mother…or it could be part of my rhythm, who knows? Purging and organizing? I would love to get on top of this, but again, predicting this next year (or potentially several years coming) is going to prove to be a near impossible task, so instead I plan to go with the flow. Take it day by day, and try and achieve what I can. 
Another thing I mentioned last year that kind of fell through was what I plan to do with my blog going forward. I have some ideas. Before Jake is born, I plan to talk about pregnancy and things that I’ve done, and what I’ve learned. I checked out a lot of blogs and vlogs in the last year…probably too many, but I’m going to share my personal stuff on my blog hopefully. It may be fewer blog posts too, we’ll see. Beyond that, I do hope to get the odd Christmas planning one in, but again, who knows.

Thanks for reading this rather long post!