How fair is it? I'm weeks away from returning to work and I'm just figuring out time management?! I have been thinking on how to keep up my self care habits when I go back to work, so we'll see. I got to thinking today though, I'm working on developments I several aspects, but I haven't focused a lot on personal development. I actually really enjoy reading...but I can't seem to remember the last book I read cover to cover...I expect it was a walking dead comic... so I took to pinterest and made myself a reading list board. I thought one a month was is what I came up with.
1. Not that kind of girl by Lena Dunham...honestly my first stop was my bookshelf, and this is an incomplete in my collection. This spoke to me as a 20 something, but i don't know what I'll take away from it as a 32 year old...we'll see.
2. Yes Please by Amy Poehler. This is another incomplete on my shelf, but I feel like it will still be relevant. I love Amy Poehler, she speaks to me so I'm looking forward to it.
3. You Are a Badass by Jen Scincero. I bought this as an ibook a couple years ago, and started reading it during my breaks at work. I just seem to work better with hard copy book. I absorb them better...also I'm android
4. Eat that Frog by Brian Tracy. So I heard about this one from my favorite youtuber, and then it popped up in my book search too, so it found it's way to my list.
5. Radical Self Love by Gala Darling. This was on my search and jumped out at me because I used to check out Gala Darling's website all the time. She has such a wonderful way about her. I remember when she released this book...add to list.
6. Kind is the new Classy by Candice Cameron Bure...perhaps I'm still working the Hallmark Christmas specials out my system, it could also be my Full House nostalgia, but this one is on my list. She as a person fascinates me. I may not agree with everything she publicly speaks on, but I dig hearing what she has to say.
7. Grace Not Perfection by Emily Ley. In a world that seems to demand perfection from us as a people, the title alone spoke to me...the hot pink cover popped out ( I wonder if that was on purpose)
8. How to Manage Your Home Without Losing Your Mind by Dana k White. Even when I am on top of everything in my home, I feel like either something is secretly lurking behind a closed door....or everything is about to topple over...yup, sounds good.
9. Start where You Are by Meera Lee Patel. So this is actually an journaling concept book, and I blog, I make lists, I keep notebooks. Journaling seems like a great fit, and prompted journaling makes you dig a little deeper
10. Adventures for your Soul by Shannon Kaiser. This is another one that gets you to take a deeper look at yourself.
11. The Universe Has Your Back by Gabrielle Bernstein. I think it's safe to say that at some point or another, most of us have believed the opposite to be true. The book is said to help you let go of fear of the unknown...which personally can keep me up at night.
12. The Princess Diariest by Carrie Fisher. While I feel like this book requires no explanation...I also feel like I could give the greatest explanation for this one. I love Star Wars and Princess Leia is my Disney Princess. To this day, my heart breaks knowing Carrie Fisher is no longer in this world. She was outspoken, strong and had a wonderful sense of humor.
So that's my list. I challenge you to make your own. Pinterest is a great resource for finding the types of books that might speak to you, and to save them for you for the next time you're wondering what to read.
K, Luv Ya, Bye!