Thursday 24 January 2019

To Be there for Jake, I have to work on Me!

Getting my Super suit ready 

          All routines have to start somewhere right? I am weeks away from returning to work, and routine seems to be the buzz word around here. I've always tried for something resembling a routine with Jake, but it's always had to be flexible, because the first year has so many wenches it can throw in the works. However the last couple weeks has basically all been about getting us ready for when I go back to work. Most of the focus has been on Jake, when in reality, both Cale and I have some adjustments too. 

          I took a step back the other night and thought, what do I want MY life to look like when I return to work? Looking at myself isn't really something I have been doing in the last 10 months. I have always covered Jake, and when there was time I would shower, or eat, or get dressed. Somehow I don't see work being okay with me showing up in the sweats I put on two days ago, and my hair looking like...well how it did a couple days ago.

          So I evaluated, and one thing I want is to be able to work during the day, and come home and spend my evening with Jake. On days I work, I'm going to see him for about 4 hours...I'd like the time to be quality. For my energy to go up, I have to do something I have neglected for months and take better care of myself. Pleased to say in the last week, I have exercised 4 out of 6 days (the other 2 I was in recovery). The problem is it was mostly during naps...I won't be home for naps...yesterday I got up an hour before I would need to get Jake out of bed on a work day. I got up, exercised, and got myself almost completely ready before getting him out of bed, and it worked SO well. Jake has (knock on wood) started sleeping in later, so his former wake up time of 6am (which I used to struggle with), is the perfect time to get my day started. I still have a little time but, it's all becoming more real, because I've been chatting with work about my return far more frequently here lately.

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