Sunday 13 January 2019

Just part of our busy week

Last year this time I had complete tunnel vision. All I could think of was my little man coming in about 2 months (little did I know less than 2). Everything was about getting the nursery ready and packing the hospital bag.  Jake has taught me a lot of things and one of them is to live more in the moment and focus less on what's next...key word being less.

         Needless to say, my mind has gone to little man's first Birthday. I decided to approach it in a similar way I approach Christmas, so I have my to do list and we've started ticking things off.

          Last week, I did some legwork and called around for a hall. Keeping in mind that when you invite one member of a family, you invite them all at this age...the guest list is substantial so a hall is a better call for sure. We're going to look at some this week.

          I'm keeping the menu simple, and approaching the grocery shopping like I do with Christmas grocery shopping, and we handled hotdogs and pop on sale this week. I also grabbed the tableware.

          Jake turned 10 months this past week, hitting double digits made me very aware how much time had passed.

         K, Luv Ya, Bye!


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