Wednesday, 5 June 2019

Book Report #2 Grace, not Perfection


           So I'm currently sitting in my lunch room at work, 15 min before my shift starts, sipping my coffee and JUST finished this book. Let me start by saying this was on my reading list, but not nessecarily in cue. I was looking for a different book when I was having my me time (glorious glorious me time). This was in the discount area, and since it was on my list, I scooped it up. I absolutely devoured this book. I absolutely love it, and it's not like a read it once type book. It's one that I will definitely fall back on again and again.

          The book is written by an entrepreneur, mother/wife, Christian, and is basically exactly what I needed in my life in the season I was in (book lingo te he). I feel like the very best time to read this book is when you become a mom, or are about to. The book gets you to stop chasing the unobtainable goal of perfection, and embrace the chaos. It has interactive points too, that I plan on going back to do now that I have read the book. It may have even made me think of renaming this blog and starting a new project as well.

            Not for a second do I think this book is for all. I feel like there are things that you can relate to, but better as a mother. Also there is a lot of faith along the way, so if that's not your cup of tea, you may find yourself rolling your eyes. 

          I found comfort, peace, and contentment in this book, and absolutely love it. Book report complete.

          K, Luv ya, Bye!


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