Sunday, 30 December 2018

Christmas Blog Reflection

Christmas has come and gone for another year. I can easily say this was the best Christmas for me, at the very least as an adult. For a long time, I swore I would never have kids (or get married for that matter). At Christmas was the only time I would rethink that, so needless to say Jake made the season amazing for me. He also made me think long and hard about what the season is to me as well.

        As a result, while most of my posts were appearing, they were not necessarily being shared. I started to question how my blog was done back in October, and realized how much it wasn't me anymore. I am 100% a planner, and love making my lists, and organizing, it is something I enjoy, but who I am has changed drastically in the last year. Once my blog would start in September, it was tunnel vision for me, all my spare time was about getting ready for Christmas. Now I have a higher priority in Jake, and a lot less time on my hands. In addition, I am less about what is next, and more about what is now, with my son. I also realized that, while I talked about not needing to put together the perfect Christmas, that's EXACTLY what I was trying to achieve. This is why my blog series, will make a drastic change next year (and perhaps a little taste in the very first week of 2019). I'm not about to commit completely to what I plan to do, but I plan to make the series next year less frequent (likely once a week) and more real, but more on that later.

        I will continue the series, and getting ready early, but I will continue my posts along the way about my family, and this blog will be way more fun for me. I saw something on TV this year (yes the hallmark movies) and a character said "Isn't Christmas just something that happens"...absolutely not! There is planning, and preparations that are required, but it should be more organic than we tend to allow. There should be some chaos, that's where the memories are made and the stories come from. So next year you will hear about the overflowing sink while thawing the turkey, or breaking the bake element a week before Christmas on your discontinued oven.

      I might have another post or two for this year's series, but not like you saw in the last 3 months. It will likely be next week some time.

       I hope your Christmas was amazing, mine absolutely was. We had guests right up until yesterday, and I'm exhausted, but so very happy.

      K, Luv Ya, Bye!

      Nancy, Cale, Jake and Alice

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