Monday, 10 December 2018

Christmas Post #39, Movie Night

Way back when we did the Master list I talked about how it would be helpful in you preparing  and remembering your own personal traditions. There are some traditions that seem to be universal though, and I feel this is one of them. Have a family holiday movie night. This is an assignment, but it's also a chance for you to relax, unwind and enjoy what this holiday is really all about. I have a collection of the classic kid specials that I've been trying to introduce Jake to. So odds are we'll go with one of those. Bright colours and music are Jake's thing....but we could end up watching the Wiggles Go Santa Go...

        I recommend having a movie for after the kids are in bed too, just something for your and your other half to enjoy. The movie White Christmas has gained sentimental value with my. Apparently it was my grandmother's favorite, which got me into it in the first place. But for me, I'll never forget the one snowfall we had before we had the snowblower. We had one full size shovel and an emergency car sized shovel. Needless to say we were down to one eventually, I even threw my back out enough I couldn't work the next day ( I swear there is a special part to this). During one of Cale's turns outside I made a massive pot of soup since we just got home. I tagged him out and when he finished, he came out and took over again and told me White Christmas was on TV. He finished up the driveway soon after (we have a big driveway so it took a while), and we cuddled and watched White Christmas until 2am. It sounds so insignificant, but it's a special memory for me.

       Make some of your own special memories or traditions!

      K, Luv Ya, Bye!

      Nancy, Cale, Jake and Alice

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