Wednesday, 8 November 2017

Parties and Events

               This post is all about the parties. Most of us will attend at least one party, be it the staff party, or a New Years Eve party. We know they’re coming. This one for me is a little more all encompassing. While yes, we’re talking about parties, like a cookie decorating party or an ugly sweater party, it also includes events, as far as I’m concerned. Where I tend to not be a host so much, I do need to make sure we count these events too. I have a pot luck, and I like to do something special for all my decorating events, and a special movie night, and a special looking at lights night too (which we do Christmas Eve too, but we have a night with just us as well). They’re not really parties, but they are events you need to figure out, and it's generally speaking food related. I’m also the head of the social committee at work, so I’ve been planning that Christmas party for a while too.
                This post tends to be a lot more personal, you need to figure out what is specific to you. It’s a short and sweet post, but hopefully, it helped you to put things in perspective for your own Holiday events.

K, Luv Ya, Bye!

Nancy, Cale and Alice 

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