Wednesday, 1 November 2017

Movies and Music

Now, before we get into your Christmas assignment I have a very simple task for you. Back in September, I mentioned that this blog IS for Christmas planning, but we recognize all the important dates. Well there is only one more coming, and it doesn’t take a lot of your time. Today, I’m reminding you to go out and get your poppy for Remembrance day.  Leading up to the day really requires little effort, this is the majority of it. We will have a special Remembrance day post, so watch for that.
                 In some households, the month of December is when Christmas and the Christmas crunch really start, in mine, it’s November. Welcome to the month where I tend to start having the MOST fun, and get rather productive.
On the note of “productive”, It’s time to gather the Christmas Movies and Music. So this could be done a couple ways, you could have your collection and just need to dig it out. Or you might need to find these digitally, or make a playlist, or go out and grab what you need. Whatever your method, now is a good time to start.
                I never get through all my Christmas movies, but I have the specific ones I can’t miss every year (White Christmas happens a couple times). You may also be the type who likes watching them when they come on TV. I do and I don’t because they edit them down, but I get excited when I see that Rudolph is coming on.
                Like I said, a fun one!
                K, Luv Ya, Bye

                Nancy, Cale and Alice 

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