Friday 24 November 2017

Black Friday

                Here it is, Black Friday. In North America as a whole, this is the start of the Holiday season (though let’s be honest here in Canada, we can start a little earlier).

                Today’s post is short and sweet, because it’s Black Friday and I work in retail, so I don’t have time for much more. If you’re heading out to shop check out my last post, tips on how to handle Black Friday. If you’re not, take a moment to sit back and realize something. If you’ve been following a long with my blog, you’re on top of this and have been getting ready for a while. And as you’ve been quietly getting stuff together, and actually you don’t have a LOT left, the rest of the population is starting NOW. And they’re stressing out and feeling a time crunch.

                I always feel like I need to walk into stores in a specific mindset at this point…so I don’t go crazy. I try to never go shopping in a rush. I want to have plenty of time, so I can chill take my time and not panic. Because the people around you, likely will be in a panic.

                Thus concludes the Black Friday post!

                K, Luv Ya, Bye!

                Nancy, Cale and Alice 

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