Monday, 13 November 2017

Christmas Lights


              It’s official, the next big day IS Christmas. I enjoy getting my decorations up early to enjoy my decorations as long as I can. As a result three of my next four posts are about decorating. Decorating is a topic that can get heated. By no means am I telling you to start decorating now, I’m going to, but obviously it’s your call. We do at our house, not ONLY because we enjoy it early, but also, it makes sense for us. We work in retail, we’re about to embark on the craziest time of year, so yes we get to come home and enjoy it early, but also it’s done. If you choose not to follow what we’re doing I encourage you to take notes, and have your decorating scheduled.

                There that’s enough of me attempting to not make waves. I think I’ve said in the past, I break decorating down to 3 different events. This way too we enjoy the actual decorating because we don’t get overwhelmed. The first part we’re doing also makes most sense to start now, because it’s the outside decorating. Give it a couple more weeks, and getting up on your roof is going to get really cold (truth be told, it’s a bit cold now). We get them up, but not actually on yet. They go on for 5 min the very first night they’re up so we can see them, but that’s it. Turning them on, we wait for one of two things. Either December 1st, or when a few neighbours start turning theirs on…whichever comes first.

                Ball is in your court, lights, step one of decorating.

                K, Luv Ya, Bye!

PS, We also like to have Hot Chocolate after we’re done the lights as well, and potentially enjoy one of our first Christmas movies of the year.

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