Friday, 30 December 2016

Save Some money, NOW!

      Wednesday I started my posts for this year's wrap up, and getting ready for next year. Wednesday was about hitting up boxing day clearances for stuff for next year. Don't expect to get a TON, because stuff is being picked over, but there are always things left. I got a new Christmas tote, and 3 sets of lights...the tote was regular price, but I needed it, and the lights were more than 50% off

     Let's get to today's post shall we? Guess what's coming in another 360 days! CHRISTMAS! You may or may not have just rolled your eyes at me, but there was a point to me saying this. We know it's coming, we know it can be stressful (if you let it) and it can be expensive, so now is a great time to start saving. Hubs said something to me the other day and he was joking, but he made a valid point, only 26 more paydays to Christmas. When you look at it like that, that's not a whole lot of pay days (and today is our payday so we're down to 25). So I thought to myself, what if we saved $20 a pay? that would make a huge difference. I'm not telling you you HAVE to save $20 a pay, but I am saying, start saving now, because it'll save money in the long run. 

Ok, Love ya, bye! 


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