Monday, 19 December 2016

The last min List!

     Did you think I left you in the final hour? truth was I was thinking of doing a post, but not 100% sure how or when to do it. One week from today is boxing day, which means the Christmas Chaos will be pretty well done for another year. REALLY crept up on me this year. 

     Last night was my work Christmas party, and it basically gave me my second wind, and a little dehydration. 

     This is the point in the planning where things get personal, and case to case. You visualized early what you wanted this Christmas to be like. You got more realistic and simplified, so perhaps your view was changed a little at that point. One of my first posts for this series was make a list, check it twice, then again, then remake it. Hello Remake it! You need to assess what needs to be done still. 

     For me, it's wrapping, just some last min cleaning, and figuring out the timing for all the cooking. Which brings me to this:


     If you're not there yet, you should be close. I do like to give the turkey a little extra time, so I am probably about a day earlier than most would do. If you got a fresh turkey, you don't have to worry about this part, but remember to add that in your to do list for the week. I would typically be starting the thawing process tomorrow, but I've had still frozen turkeys to deal with in the past, and I no longer have room in my freezer to be completely honest.

     Next Christmas post is Wednesday!

Ok, Love ya, Bye!


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