Tuesday, 6 December 2016


     It's here, a little something I call my Winter Skin Freak Out! What it basically is is my skin telling me, "I need moisture overload"! My skin goes dry, but also breaks out, and is kind of sore, and gets patchy and it's not fun. I haven't let it get TOO bad yet this year, as a matter of fact, my face looks like an Oil slick right now...on purpose. So as I begin into my journey, I thought I would share my right off the bat go to items I use to battle this, and share what I'm using right now. And if your skin does a winter freak out maybe you'll be better equipped to handle it too.

Step one: Oils

     I discovered that I really like Avacado oil years ago, and it's still my go to facial oil, it's the oil I'm wearing right now. When I'm done in the shower, I don't towel off for a bit, I first slather my face with Avacado oil, and a body oil as well. I've been using Barefoot Venus for several years now...their pretty packaging gimmick worked on me, but I do really like the product. THEN I towel off. I also use my oil as a makeup remover, and then wash my face, it helps too.

Step two: Serum

     Before I ever touched an oil to my face, I used serum, and basically grabbed whatever was on sale. I do tend to not shell out a LOT for skin care, but this one has ruined me. I legit only want to use this Serum from now on, Ole Henriksen Truth Serum. It does everything I want my serum to do, hydrate, brighten and fight fine lines.

Step 3: Moisturize and Protect

     This is the Daily basics of what I have to do to keep my skin from tormenting me all winter, there are other things I do to treat it, but this is what I do daily. So I wrap things up with body lotion (I don't have a go to, I'm using vaseline with coco butter right now), and Eye cream and a day time moisturizer or night time and lip balm. To be honest my moisturizers are really not products I adore, they're good, but I like to try new products, and they're not solid enough for me to never stray. However my lip blam and eye cream actually are. My eye cream (not pictured) is Weleda's Wild rose Soothing Eye cream. My Lip Balm (pictured Below) is Rosebud's Rose Salve. I also use it on dry spots on my hands, and my cuticles. 

     You may or may not have noticed I didn't mention how I cleanse my face this time of year. Mainly because this is the part that requires the MOST tweaking every year. I've been eyeing a product that I will likely pick up today if I get the chance. I'll share my thoughts on that product eventually I'm sure. The big thing I do is reduce my facial cleansing to once a day as opposed to twice, so I'm not stripping natural oils, and drying it out worse. So that's it, what I've started to do to save my skin...ha expression was literal.

Ok, Love Ya, Bye!


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