Monday, 16 October 2017

Online Shopping

                Before I start on this post, I will stress I will always support local business first. I prefer stimulating my local economy. Always do the big of leg work first to see if a gift is available locally, I discovered a local shop that does a gift I want for some one this year, and what’s more I’m going to save about $40 on shipping. But then there is the gift the evades you on a local level. We’re talking about online shopping here.
                So I could start this part out by saying, “it may seem a little early”, but this has appeared several times in this blog series, and I think you’re probably starting to understand, that’s the point. We want early. Now is definitely the time to get after this stuff, especially if you’re going for seasonal items.
                Last year, I painted ceramic trees for gifts, I had to order them online ( I was excited to be able to stick to a Canadian company though). The woman I ordered from told me how good it was I ordered as early as I did, because she was able to give me a deal, and I was able to get exactly what I wanted in plenty of time.
                If there is some online shopping on your list this year, the time is now!

                K, Luv Ya, Bye!

                Nancy, Cale and Alice

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