Friday, 13 October 2017

Fall Cleaning

               Okay, here is another one that might just not be too fun. For some reason though I do enjoy this, and that’s Fall cleaning. I’m talking about yard work and housework. So I’m talking about that last mow of the season, raking the leaves, stuff like that.

                My external to do list this year includes, the raking, and mowing, but cleaning the siding and windows as well. We also need to put away the Barbeque, and all the outdoor furniture. On our list this year is adjusting the snow blower before we start using that too.

                Internally, it’s time to put away the fans if I’m not using them anymore. We clean the window coverings, and wipe down the windows and walls, and dust. Also, straightening up the basement. We just need to straighten up and organize that stuff. As far as my Christmas stuff goes, I’m not organizing that yet. One reason, I organized it pretty well last year, and the second is because it’s in an upcoming post. This one, is another not fun post, but it needs to get done.

                K, Luv Ya, Bye

                Nancy, Cale and Alice

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