Tuesday, 31 October 2017

Happy Halloween!

             This one is short and sweet! Happy Halloween. Your assignment today, is have a safe and fun night. It's Tuesday, we don't usually have a post on this day of the week, it's only here to recognize one of the big dates leading up to, well our big one. Next post comes your way tomorrow, when we will be making sure we get back on track!

K, Luv Ya, Bye

Nancy, Cale and Alice 

Monday, 30 October 2017

Linens and Toiletries


               Today’s assignment, you may find yourself hiding in the closet, which is good, because that’s where the majority of what you’re doing is going to be happening. There are two main closets we’re looking at today, the coat closet, and the linen closet. Hopefully these are small jobs for you.

                Let’s start with the coat closet. Christmas is a time people pop in on you a lot. You need to clear out the coat closet now for guests, so they have a place to put everything. This might be a good time for you to reorganize if it’s something you’ve been putting off, but this is mainly meant for you to rehome some of the coats and jackets you’re not wearing right now, to make room for your guests.

                The Linen closet we touched on a bit already, making sure you have enough linens for everyone who will be staying with you. This is also a chance to get rid of some old linens that need to be tossed too. Inventory, see what you need and what you need gone.

                And then finally, now is the time to get stocked up on bathroom supplies. We’re talking tooth paste, floss, soap, and the ever important Toilet paper. You may want to do the same thing with these items we’ve done with our non-perishable food items. By this I mean put them in a place that is off limits, so when you’re running lower on TP, it’s a trip to the store and not your Holiday supply.

                K, Luv Ya, Bye

                Nancy, Cale and Alice

Friday, 27 October 2017

Wardrobe Check

Christmas party 2016

               Time to check the wardrobes. So every year you likely have something coming up that you need to, at the very least check your clothes for, now is the best time. Check what you already have, and what you might need. This includes events like Family photos, Christmas parties, Christmas PJ’s and the ever over looked, New Years Eve! That last one is ALWAYS the one I’m left scrambling for.

                Where I would be going Maternity this year, I’m keeping my selection very simple for my Christmas party (also because I have legit one store near me that sells maternity). And PJ’s I’m pretty well going to wear what fits me. As for Cale, I need to check out his closet and see if he needs a new shirt or something, and frankly he only gets into the PJ thing if I do.

                We go to the same New Years Eve party every year, so we just need to find out the theme and take it from there. It’s generally decided at the same Halloween Party we go to every year (so like tomorrow).

                K, Luv Ya, Bye!

                Nancy, Cale and Alice

Wednesday, 25 October 2017

Christmas Sales

            If you end up getting anything at them or not, most of us do enjoy going to some Christmas sales. Realistically, they’re probably kicking off in less than a month, so now is the time to start planning for them.
If you’re some one who actually sells at them, I’m probably way behind for your, but if you’re like me, who likes to take them in, it’s time to start mapping this out. There are ones that tend to stick out in our heads more than others, and ones that take higher priority. If you’re some one like me, who works every weekend, the reality is you’re likely going to have to get creative with when you get to go, and pick and choose which ones you’ll get TO. I have one I HAVE to get to, and one or two I would like to get to as well.
                Another part of planning for this is, budgeting. Will you be getting gifts at these sales? Are there baked goods you’ll want? I usually walk out with a pack of those syrup suckers, and some mini cheesecakes at the very least. And who will you go with? This is a family event this year, Cale and I will be going together to the big one. A lot of people like to make it a family event. They’re creeping up quick so now is the time to plan.

                K, Luv Ya, Bye!

Monday, 23 October 2017

Planning Decorations

             Now that we have officially inventoried what we have for Christmas décor, it’s time to figure out what goes where, and actually plan our Christmas decorating. As a huge Christmas nut, I love this part, because while people may look at me funny for decorating this early, I can absolutely plan my decorations. Last year this was a MUCH bigger deal to me too, because it was my first Christmas in my first house. This year, don’t get me wrong, I’m excited, but I have an idea where I like things now. I still have pics from last year (We’ll cover this in a MUCH later post).

                If you have lot of decorations and like putting them all out every year, you decorate like me. Last post I talked about breaking the inventory list into categories. Mine are usually things that go on the wall, things that go on surfaces, light, stuff for the tree, stuff for the kitchen, things like that.  I also look around the room and figure out what surfaces or wall spaces I’ll have open. It becomes a big project, but having this mapped out, can make actual decorating easier. I also break my decorating down into 3 parts too, to make it easier (we’ll talk about that in future posts too).

                Now, that’s all well and good if you want your house overrun with Christmas but what if you’re some one who likes to keep it simple. I learned this one from 101 days to Christmas, there are really 3 spots to focus on when it comes to simplicity. Your door, A focal point in your main living area, and the tree. If you want simplicity, that’s as simple as it gets.

                I expect most people will fall somewhere in between these two spectrums as far a decorating goes, but both ends have their helpful tips to simplify for you when the time comes to get set.

                K, Luv Ya, Bye!
                Nancy, Cale and Alice

Friday, 20 October 2017

Christmas Decoration Inventory

            While some may not enjoy this next one, I LOVE this part, and let me tell you, I’m glad we handled organizing the basement, with Fall cleaning. This is where you inventory your Christmas décor.
So this is exactly what it sounds like. You’re going through your décor, and taking note of everything that you have. This helps to figure out if you need anything new this year, and when we get to it, where everything will go. In my house, we decorate early, because we like to, and we work in retail. This post isn’t about planning how to decorate this year, it’s a step towards it to help you figure out what’s going where. If you do nothing else early, I do recommend the outside lights. I’m feeling a bit of a chill in the air now, so I don’t really have a desire to be out setting up lights in the snow. We usually do this soon after Remembrance day.

To make it really easy later I also break it into different categories, like thinks that go on surfaces, walls, lights, for the tree etc. Makes it easier to have your decorations planed, and a lot less stressful when you do haul them all out.

Here is why I love going through all of these totes and boxes. I think all our decorations hold a special memory, and seeing each one, makes me smile. Sappy I know, but there it is.

K, Luv Ya, Bye

Wednesday, 18 October 2017

Stocking Stuffers

            Up until a couple years ago, I never would have thought of this, this early. It’s time to start shopping stocking stuffers. I know, SUPER early, but have you ever scrambled in the final hour to fill up those stockings? And the stockings can add up, big time, they get pricey.
Just like our groceries, spreading out the cost of the stocking stuffers can save you cash. The big thing is to watch when you’re out and about and spot a great deal on something small that would be perfect for a stocking. Another way, is to use the app I mentioned in a previous post, Flipp. Flipp grabs you all the local flyers to help you spot those items when they go on sale.
The other things to start watching for are your must haves. These are the little things you always have around the house. Like advent calendars, they’ve started popping up. We usually have some munchies, and stuff from Hickory Farms. We always have different options for Hot Chocolate around. And then too some must haves are not food related. You always need batteries on Christmas morning. Do you guys have the PJ tradition, watch for the sales there. Do you have a movie night? These are all your personal must-haves. Time to make a list, and start knocking them off on the good deals.

K, Luv Ya, Bye!

Nancy, Cale and Alice

Monday, 16 October 2017

Online Shopping

                Before I start on this post, I will stress I will always support local business first. I prefer stimulating my local economy. Always do the big of leg work first to see if a gift is available locally, I discovered a local shop that does a gift I want for some one this year, and what’s more I’m going to save about $40 on shipping. But then there is the gift the evades you on a local level. We’re talking about online shopping here.
                So I could start this part out by saying, “it may seem a little early”, but this has appeared several times in this blog series, and I think you’re probably starting to understand, that’s the point. We want early. Now is definitely the time to get after this stuff, especially if you’re going for seasonal items.
                Last year, I painted ceramic trees for gifts, I had to order them online ( I was excited to be able to stick to a Canadian company though). The woman I ordered from told me how good it was I ordered as early as I did, because she was able to give me a deal, and I was able to get exactly what I wanted in plenty of time.
                If there is some online shopping on your list this year, the time is now!

                K, Luv Ya, Bye!

                Nancy, Cale and Alice

Friday, 13 October 2017

Fall Cleaning

               Okay, here is another one that might just not be too fun. For some reason though I do enjoy this, and that’s Fall cleaning. I’m talking about yard work and housework. So I’m talking about that last mow of the season, raking the leaves, stuff like that.

                My external to do list this year includes, the raking, and mowing, but cleaning the siding and windows as well. We also need to put away the Barbeque, and all the outdoor furniture. On our list this year is adjusting the snow blower before we start using that too.

                Internally, it’s time to put away the fans if I’m not using them anymore. We clean the window coverings, and wipe down the windows and walls, and dust. Also, straightening up the basement. We just need to straighten up and organize that stuff. As far as my Christmas stuff goes, I’m not organizing that yet. One reason, I organized it pretty well last year, and the second is because it’s in an upcoming post. This one, is another not fun post, but it needs to get done.

                K, Luv Ya, Bye

                Nancy, Cale and Alice

Wednesday, 11 October 2017

Plan for Halloween/ Halloween Decor

               Hope your Thanksgiving was fantastic, I know we had a wonderful time with family. This was the first event we were getting ready for, and now, it’s come and gone, so what’s next? Halloween!

                Last year was our first year in our house, but both of us worked. Odds are we’re both off this year, because it falls on our days off, and Cale is off in the evenings anyway, so we’re going to put a little more into it this year.

                Now is the time (assuming you can restrain yourself) to get those treats for the trick-or-treaters. Also, we have a couple special ones who will likely be coming to our door, so we’re likely going to have something special for them.

                Are you going to need to get any costumes together for yourself or for the little ones? Do it early, you’re going to be glad you did, when they’re not well picked over and you get the costume they actually want. I know some of you might have ones who change their minds on this. If you want to have a backup plan that’s fine, but try really amping up that costume so they’re super excited for it.
As far as décor goes, we used to have all these things we put in the windows when we were kids. I don’t have a lot of this going yet. We’re looking at some pumpkins, and some easy DIY or dollar store stuff. Just a little something, because the kids only see it for a second anyway. I don’t like the super scary stuff either, I realize Halloween has always had the scary aspect to it, and maybe it’s because I have my own little monster on the way, or that most of the kids I know are five or under, but I don’t like scaring the little ones. That’s not fun, it’s cruel.

K, Luv Ya, Bye!

Nancy, Cale and Alice

Monday, 9 October 2017

Happy Thanksgiving!


                Happy Thanksgiving! Hope yours was wonderful. We just finished taking the turkey apart, and we’re going to be eating turkey for a while. Our guests just left too, we had Cale’s parents here with their little dog. They showed up yesterday, we had a good feed last night, and of course today too. There are so many leftovers and so much to be thankful for.

                We also started a new tradition. We have a white faux pumpkin, and we all wrote what we were thankful for on it. This is a tradition we’re going to keep going until we fill the pumpkin…then it will just be a nice fall decoration.

                We have no assignments today. When we land on a special day during our preparation, our assignment will be to sit back and recognize the day. So instead of ticking something off your list today, enjoy the food and family time that comes with Thanksgiving!

                K, Luv ya, Bye!

                Nancy, Cale and Alice 

Friday, 6 October 2017

Home To-Do List

              Well I would be lying if I said this was a fun post, because to date it’s my LEAST favorite. It’s time to make a home to-do list. These are household projects I’m not excited for. For me, it’s my Bathroom. I need to caulk the tub, paint and put in new baseboard. Of course where I’m pregnant, painting the baby’s room is on my to-do list, but the baby isn’t due until the end of March, so we have time. No, my eyesore is the Bathroom for sure. To be fair, some of it was our own fault. A LONG time ago, we bought a paint, and splotched it on the walls, and point blank, hated the colour. This was a bit discouraging, but it’s time for round two.  Also we have a couple Christmas decorations that we always have in the bathroom, so we’d like it to look decent (matter of fact I think they’re all Cale’s decorations…).

                Now is the best time to look at this stuff because then it’s done. There are a few posts I will do in this series that I just hate with a passion. This is one of them…though the reality is the ones I don’t like, I’m not going to be able to do so much this year ( I have a get out of chemicals work free card growing). But Cale will still have to tackle these things, so it’s still in my head.

                This is your next assignment, list the projects, and schedule accordingly, hopefully before decorations go up.

                Quick note, my next post will be a little late. So when I do these posts, I know what I want to say in advance, have them typed, and start these projects before I assign them so I can take pictures and stuff too. As a result, my next post is my Thanksgiving post, and I’d like to share pictures from the day. Instead of an early morning post, it will likely be the evening (maybe the next morning depending if I slip into a turkey coma).

                K, Luv Ya, Bye

                Nancy, Cale and Alice 

Wednesday, 4 October 2017

Master Grocery List

               Today we get into one of my BIGGEST money Savers! I mentioned back in the budgeting to budget for food, and here is where we really stretch that budget. We’ve made our menu at this point, now we put it to work, and make a grocery list. It’s best (if you can) to make this list on the computer, because there are some things we’re going to need to rearrange after.

                Once you’ve put this together (and do not kick yourself if you forget something because there is always something that pops onto the last min list), you break the list down to 3 categories. The Categories are Non- Perishables, Frozen, and Fresh. Money Saving step #1, we’re going to start on the Non- Perishables now.

                A couple tips for that, #1, Have a designated spot for this stuff, because it’s off limits, and not part of your weekly grocery trip.

                #2 Buy on Sale. Most of these are little things that will pop up on sale from time to time. For example, Gravies and Stuffings are popping up like crazy right now because of how close we are to Thanksgiving. I also use the App Flipp. Flipp shows me what’s on sale, and what store has the best deal. Often for me, a store across town has the best deal, but one of the closest stores to me has a price match promise, I generally save money weekly there.

                #3 Buy a couple things a week. If you only get a few things on each grocery trip, you won’t notice a BIG difference in your grocery bill either, so not only does it spread out the cost, but you also barely notice it.

                #4 Redeem points. Most grocery stores have you collecting points, redeem them. I use this closer to Christmas because that’s when I will have bigger trips, and ones that have the things we forgot along the way too.

                That’s your latest assignment

                K, Luv Ya, Bye!

                Nancy, Cale and Alice 

Monday, 2 October 2017

Making Gifts

                Making gifts can be super special. One gift I will never forget, is a gift my brother made me one year. When we were little, our mom had a vhs of a bunch of holiday specials she’d recorded us, and every year we watched it. My brother found files of them and made me a collection of them on DVD. This is still a big deal to me, and one of the very first to be used at our house every year. It’s still super special to me, highlighting how special it can be to make some one a gift. Look at your personal talents, and take it from there.

                I make at least one gift every year, and I’m working on it already this year. I’m pretty excited about this post this year. Last year, I made gifts for a few people, and I couldn’t share them. Needless to say, I’m not sharing what I’m working on this year, but last year, I painted ceramic trees for family members. Most of my family had these, and my mom made a couple of them, so I thought it was special for me to make them. I made one for my Uncle who always wanted one, and my in-laws who are now my family, so I included them in the tradition.

                Making a gift can take longer though, that’s why you need to get on this one now. You don’t want to rush to find all the supplies you need, or worse, it all falls through. Get on it now, so you’ve got it ready to go.

One of my favorite of those kids Christmas specials is Santa Claus is Coming to Town. I may have even mentioned this last year, but there is a quote at the end of the movie that I always think of when I’m making gifts. “What if we all learned to give like Santa, with our hearts, with our Talents”. This is why making gifts is such a big deal to me.

K, Luv Ya, Bye

Nancy, Cale and Alice