Thursday, 20 October 2016

A Wardrobe Experiment

     This is actually not a Christmas post! WHAAAAAT?! No that will be tomorrow. Instead, this post is about another thing I'm super into, pinterest...ish. Okay so most people who use it on the regular get it's draw, and have probably spent some hours on it. I actually check Pinterest in the morning BEFORE Facebook, e-mail...most days before coffee. Pinterest has been a very useful tool to me, from questions about my dog, to my unhealthy Walking Dead addiction. For women one of the most used boards are outfits, and wishlists...along with health, beauty, home decor,and recipes (nailed it right).

     One concept I've learned from Pinterest is going as minimal as possible when it comes to your wardrobe. I think most are guilty of having things in their closet you don't wear, either because it doesn't fit, and you want it to, or it looked pretty in the store, but just isn't your style. I'm far more guilty of the later.

    Finally getting to the point of this post, why am I telling you all of this? Because I'm doing a little experiment to better get to know my own sense of style, and perhaps add some things to my wishlist. Basically what I'm doing is getting up in the morning, and figuring out what I want to wear without the limits of my closet. Instead, I'm getting a visual in my mind, maybe I look at pinterest for a little inspiration, and I figure out what I would LOVE to wear right now, today! That's step one, step two is going to different store websites, that I frequently shop and finding each piece to make up the outfit and pin it. I'm playing with the inspiration a little to fit what I would be comfortable in. If you'd like to check out the board this it the link here. I'll be sharing this post on all my Social media outlets, probably a few times over. If it's something you'd like to try yourself, I encourage you to do it, it may be helpful, it might not be, either way I'm having fun with it.

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