Thursday, 25 June 2015

Skin care= Self care

     Exceptionally pleased to inform, the routine from previous posts is still working for me. I really have nothing to talk about as far as altering my ACTUAL skin routine goes. However there have been some recent tweaks to things I do in my day to day life, that I THINK might be helping my skin along.

     I'm only going to share one of these things today simply because I'm not sure I've been doing the other things long enough to share them.

     So each night when I get home from work, I either shower, or take a bath. I don't wash my hair every night, and will actually go as long as I can without washing it. If you're here to judge, let me tell you, EVERY hair dresser I've ever met has told me I have incredibly thick and healthy hair, and they attribute it to the fact I'm not stripping my hair of it's natural oils on a daily basis. I also don't get split ends as fast, and as a result, don't need my hair trimmed as much.

   But I digress. The point of this post is actually to explain how my baths have helped. 1 thing I try and remember to do regularly, weather I'm in the shower, or in the bath, is oil pulling. If you're not familiar with this, you take about a tablespoon of coconut oil, let it melt in your mouth and slosh it around for about 20 min or more. Some people do this INSTEAD of brushing their teeth... I'm not one of these people, I do it in combination. Now I have noticed a slight difference in my skin as a result of this, but the real results are in my teeth. they're stronger and whiter as a result. If you plan on trying this out, I'll mention one thing, when you're done spit out the oil in the garbage. Don't swallow, because you just used this to pull gunk out of your mouth, and don't spit down the drain because coconut oil will harden and clog your drain up. I follow this with brushing my teeth normally. I do this as I bathe because my husband informed me, my sloshing around the oil is the grossest thing he's ever heard.

     The other thing I've been doing is strictly on bath nights and I give credit to Anne from the Feel Good store for this one. She mentioned Salt baths. I'd done these once in a while in the past, but they've become a once to twice a week thing now. I probably should measure out how much I use, but in all honesty, I don't... I just pour some in while the water is running. I make the water hot, just cool enough for me to stand, do my thing, and try and stay in for 20 min or more. I actually buy my bath salt from the Feel Good was it an attempt to boost sales? LOL doesn't sound like her style, but BIG thanks to Anne for mentioning that in passing :)

    I don't do these things specifically for my skin care routine, but more so for my self care routine, it just seems to benefit multiple aspects.

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