Monday, 22 June 2015

My relationship with Makeup

     I've kind of been dying to do a post about makeup. While I really don't wear it everyday it's not because I don't like it, or anything. When i skip makeup, it's generally because I feel I have to rush putting it on. I just do not function well when I'm rushing, i don much better if I take my time on most projects...and it also a major part of why I'm usually early for everything... I hate being rushed. And while the reality is, I'm generally not rushed, because I actually DO  go pretty quick with my makeup, I get it in my head I have to go fast...and it's a bad time. I actually feel more focused and productive when I have it on, because I'm less self-conscious. I do think I'm quite good at makeup, by no means a professional, but have been the go-to makeup person on occasion for people I'm close with. I've actually run into one of my friends in a store one time and she asked about a product she was buying. 

    I wasn't ALWAYS confident with my makeup application. I was raised by my dad, so his makeup knowledge was lacking. The women in my family aren't big makeup wearers. I cringe thinking of what I left the house looking like in college... I recall hating my skin some days (oh wait, doesn't that still happen), and just wanting a full coverage makeup to hide behind... and I found that mousse foundation I think maybeline released. Now I THINK that the company has tweeked the formula of the product, but when it FIRST came out, the product was horrific... I may as well have put on a clay mask and leave the house...actually that would have been preferable, at least that wouldn't have suffocated my skin. To make matters worse, I wasn't familiar with concealer, so in my head, if I could still see blemishes, I needed more, let that sink in. Add this to me thinking that my eyeliner needed to resemble that of Chrisitna Aguliara in hr dirty video, and  me thinking great lash is ACTUALLY a good mascara, and didn't own an eyelash curler... not a pretty picture. 

     It was after college I decided I wanted to wear makeup and I wanted to do it properly, and at this point Youtube was mainstream (because it wasn't when I was in college, funny videos came from Ebaums world). I discovered this girl who have about a dozen tutorials, but I liked what she did. So I subscribed to her channel and tried out all of these different techniques, watched her reviews and LEARNED to use makeup! Oh and this girl on youtube is probably the most famous makeup tutorial youtuber there is, AND the woman who created ipsy, Michelle Phan. (seriously though, if you look at some of her early videos, they're basic, and to be honest she looks so different). 

    If I do say so myself, I'm pretty good at makeup now. Like I've confessed with some of my skin care posts, I REALLY like trying new products. So I've tried a TON of different products over the years, in different formulations, with different application methods. I tend to try something new every time I repurchase but there ARE a few products I'll stick with until I'm dead or until they get discontinued. So this is my introduction I guess, I'd like to make monday all about makeup. Thanks for reading! 

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