I'm actually QUITE good at ranting, it's in my blood. No really, some of my family members are some of the finest ranters to walk the planet. I'm good at it genetically, really! Today something happened while I was on my way into work and I've been thinking on it a while now. I'll be completely upfront, I got my license in October, so I'm still a new driver. I took drivers ed, which is quite honestly the ONLY reason I am a confident driver (not without fault, but confident). One thing that our instructor tried to enforce with us was not to be afraid to use our horns.
Considering I've been driving for a few short months, I've been a passenger a long time, and it really seems to be a legitimate fear with drivers. I can honestly say, most people I've driven with don't use their horn... and I've been in 3 accidents as a passenger... there was no horn.
People actually misuse the horn. They honk to say hi, or like I've shared in a previous rant, to sexually harass some one, or because you're pissed off. When really the horn is to get the attention of another driver, to avoid an accident. why would people AVOID honking for that purpose? Is it because you've been honked at and gotten angry and shouted, "I see you"?! Do you feel like the sound is loud and rude? Not quite sure where that puts me, because I use it...often. Part of our training was to be prepared to use the horn (it is still fresh in my head).
So all ranting aside, I did something today, that is supposed to be a major no no when it comes to being a passenger in the car. So we were at a green light waiting to turn left, and were second in line to do so. The car in front of us was a big truck that pulled out into the intersection... when a large group of grads (Or a choir... they were wearing gowns) decided they were going to jaywalk (a rant for another time) when he was clear to turn. So the light turns red, and Mr. Truck decided to back up instead of turn. My husband looks to see if he can reverse... nope, no room... guy is still backing up. It happened pretty fast, I shouted honk the horn because buddy was getting close... and then i did the no no.... I leaned over and honked the horn... the guy stopped, VERY close to my car.
I felt AWFUL about honking the horn... and my husband so no, I did good, because he wasn't going to.
I guess I just don't understand why people as a whole are so against using their horns...
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