Seems appropriate we had some nippy days this past week, and it started to REALLY feel like Fall. We even started a new family tradition and went with my in-laws and took Jake apple picking. I start in like that because it's that time of year again, time to start planning for Christmas. If you just scoffed at that sentence, it possible that this blog series, is not for you...then again you might need it most of all. This series is here to help you spread out the mayhem that is the holiday season, and make Christmas something you enjoy, not something you are stressed out about.
First, a little history, I started do this after I was inspired by a website that is a lot more on the precise and posts EVERY day from here and beyond Christmas. It's called 101 Days to Christmas, you can check it out
here. It's actually done by a woman who has published books about organizing, so she might know a little better than me...perhaps (lol). I started my own series, because A, I don't really do EVERYTHING on that site, and most of the people I know don't either, and B, It's American, so we have a huge confusing issue with Thanksgiving and Remembrance day. Mine is more simplified and Canuckafied ( I think I just made a word). I do however start at 101 days (that would be today) as tribute.
This is my third year doing this blog series and a LOT has changed in our lives this year. While not a LOT has changed as far as our traditions go, or things we're going to do, Jake will play a MAJOR role in everything. Last year Cale played a bigger role in everything because I was in my third trimester at Christmas.
So what has changed in the blog this year? For starters, I've polished everything up from last year. This series is something I try and improve on every year, and I think I've done JUST that. This year I'm also including assessment posts, more on that in a bit.
If you have never seen my series before, like I said this helps you to plan for your holiday season this year, but of course we have 3 holidays (though some would debate one of them) before Christmas rolls around. Let me promise, we don't forget these, we recognize them, help you plan for them, and show them the respect they deserve. We also cover things you may not think of, or help you with issues you've had in previous years. One of my favorite things is we also dull the sting of the cost of Christmas by helping to spread those expenses out, you'll see what I mean. Now if you have zero desire to pop back in three times a week ( Monday, Wednesday and Friday) and just want the bare bones, this is where the assessment posts come in, brand new this year. Assessment posts will show up three times, in October, November and December. They give you a couple things to knock off your list, and ONLY pertain to Christmas. They're also handy if you may have let a couple things slip during the month.
Now IF you don't want to miss a post, this year I have personalized posting. I post the blog on Facebook, on my personal page, and my fan page. This year, I'm collecting names of people who would like me to post directly to their wall, so they never miss a post. If you're interested, let me know and I would be happy to include you. This post, has not been posted on one of the assigned days, and serves only as an intro to this year's series. Thanks for checking it all out and I can't wait to share my personal planning and tips with you for another year.
K, Luv Ya, Bye,
Nancy, Cale, Jake and Alice