Monday 19 February 2018

Pregnancy post #13, Diaper Party and Shower #2

The Trio, doesn't matte the event, there always has to be a pic of the three of us

I think it's all getting REALLY real now. Cale and I had our Diaper party, and my second Baby shower over the weekend, and we had a fantastic weekend. Most of our family lives about 4 hours away, a few did make it to the weekend festivities, which was nice.

          Cale's party was Saturday night, and from what I understand, the guys had a great time, and they spoiled us nicely. Originally I posted a Facebook group so he would have something, and his friends took it from there. Thanks to the guys who organized, and hosted, and traveled, and in generally made for a fun night for the Soon-to-be Dad.

          As for me, my shower was also wonderful. It was nice to be surrounded by my friends who feel like family, and of course family ( didn't forget you Bev). And again, everyone was excited, and generous to our little man. Thank you all for coming and just making me feel loved...okay I may cry as I post this, so we need to move on.

        Jake has 2 Uncles, and 1 Aunt, and though they couldn't make it to the festivities, they surprised us with some special gifts for their nephew. Unlce Peter and Aunt Elanna sent a rocker, which I have been looking at for LONG before we were even trying for little man. So that was a nice surprise. Uncle Chris, sent his play pen which is going to be able to grow with him, and was something we were really thinking about so we were very excited for that as well.

        This morning has consisted of my typical nesting activities, as well as organizing all the gifts, and diapers. Yesterday point blank, we were over run by them, and I was beat, and refused to touch it. That being said, I took back my living room today.

        My plan today is to make a list of things we need to get still for him, and break it into two parts, what we need before he is here, and what we can wait on a little. This is causing a little anxiety, but I'm doing my best to keep that in control. The other thing I'm going to do is officially pack for the hospital. The stuff has been sitting on the change table in case of an emergency. I hit 36 weeks on Tuesday...basically anywhere between 37-39, they could induce me, so it's almost not in case of emergency anymore... it's more in case of necessity.

         I need to say thanks again one more time to everyone who has been supportive, and helped us with all the things we'll need for our little man. I really can't say it enough, and we can't believe how close we're getting to our lives changing forever.

         K, Luv Ya, Bye


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