Thursday 8 February 2018

Pregnancy post #10, Exciting morning!

          I had an exciting morning! I'll do this chronologically, not building anticipation. I had an appointment with my obstetrician, because of my gestational diabetes, they are going to keep a closer eye on me in the up coming weeks (I'm 34 weeks now). However, Jake is doing great, his heartbeat is good, and he's super active. For me the highlight of the appointment was when my doctor took a second to pay a little more attention to my lower abdomen. He smiled, and told me, he was head down now. I can't even begin to express how excited I am about this. The feeling was like the very first time I heard his heartbeat, and for me, that was incredible.

         I have to mention too, how amazing one of Cale's managers has been through all of this. She has made sure Cale can make it to all my appointments. He missed one, and it was just bloodwork. Other than that, she has done everything she possibly could to accommodate any needs we have when it comes to our appointments. She just had to cover more of them for us today, so I had to mention this. I don't think she gets how much it means to me, but I wanted to mention it.

        Well we were next to my place of work so I needed to pop in and see the fam jam. I mentioned how stir crazy I  had been, so it was so refreshing to see them all. I'm on cloud nine right now. I can't wait either, because my ladies are throwing me a shower this weekend, and I'm just so excited to see them all. I don't expect this to be exactly like our girls night (that was a little more wild I expect), but I'm crazy amped to see them all.
One of my co-workers took this, now they don't see me everyday, and can't believe how big I am 

        Here is something kind of cool too. So, I've been reflecting on the earlier days of my pregnancy, and when we were trying. I guess I'm thinking of this because I'm realizing how close to the end of the pregnancy I am. When we were trying, I had some down days, I was on chat groups, and one day some one suggested I check out Natural Fertility on Youtube. Then I spent days researching their channel, and just learning as much as I could. I finally had a game plan as to what I could do for my personal situation, and it was within a couple months, I was pregnant. That's the story in a nutshell, and it occurred to me, I never thanked them. So I did, I sent them a facebook message yesterday. Today I heard back. They were really excited about my message, and they asked to post it on their site. They also wanted to know if I would be okay with them reaching out to me again in a few weeks. So I guess they plan to publish some of my stuff I've been sharing here. Which is kind of cool.

        It's 1:30 now, and I have so much energy to do some more nesting!

        K, Luv ya, Bye!

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