I'm giddy today! We're 1 week from induction, and I can see the finish line. I kid you not, every night right now, my mind is making up symptoms of labour, giving me the hope that tonight something might happen. Then I wake up the next morning with something new sore, and facing the reality, I'm still in the countdown. It's funny though, because it comes at night, I'm sure it's partly that I get in my head at night, but my Mother in-law keeps telling me how she keeps picturing him coming at night. The two main women in his life have this thought, let's see if it's a coincidence.
I'm giddy today because it seems all the loose ends are getting tied up. Things I would stress about are working themselves out, and there is this weight off my shoulders. Things people warned me about are turning out to be not so bad and it's fantastic...now he just needs to get here. I'm not going to lie, I keep trying to help labour start.
I'm asking to get out and walk from time to time. I used to walk for fun when I was younger. I know when I was a teenager, that's what my friends and I would do, walk around our area and talk...until some of us could drive. But I'm asking to get out and walk...not that I can a LOT, but hopefully this will be a bit more of a habit too, because after that's going to be the extent of my exercise for a bit. I'm also bouncing and rolling around on a big ball, that I am pleased to say Alice has left alone. When this came into the living room I expected her eyes to get huge and her to destroy it. Nope, she is well aware that it's my ball and leaves it alone...now we'll just need to do that with Jake's toys. Apparently bananas can help too...no worried, bananas are basically part of my daily diet because of my potassium issues. And Pineapple. So pineapple was the BIG food I ate while trying to get pregnant...it kind of fell off the radar after, because I got sick of it honestly, but it's back in my morning smoothies again.
Speaking of when we were trying, I posted my last blog post about how we tried for 2 years, and what ended up working. Anyway, I posted it on the board I used to frequent when we were trying, and got MASSIVE amounts of feedback. Most was inboxed to me, but there was even a woman who posted about her journey that lasted almost 8 and a half years, and had FAR worse hurdles than I could have even wrapped my head around. People have told me, about how difficult my pregnancy has seemed to be, and I gotta disagree. I knew I had my kidney disease going in, and knew there could be SOME difficulty (to be fair my specialist when I was a kid said I would have no issues...yeah I didn't believe that for a second). But it's nothing I couldn't handle. Then the Gestational Diabetes, again, so crazy common I've been in total control...except now where it's getting weird but they told me it probably would get weird at the end. Beyond that, I have had a pretty easy pregnancy...which scares me for labour. But seriously, I have had friends who have had issues with back pain for their entire third trimester, or couldn't sleep for all of it. Had to pee every 10 min. Been sick the ENTIRE pregnancy, or had heartburn slowly eating away at their will to live. My heartburn has been minimal, my nausea, predictable. Aches and pains are within basically the last week, and sleep, I've had my moments, but Cale is really good at helping me get back to sleep. I can't complain. Not to mention the support system we have. The people I can talk to, or have just been there, it's been amazing. I've had my complications, but don't feel bad for me, I've had a reasonably easy pregnancy...AND IT'S ALMOST OVER!
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