Right off the bat, I want to say, I made some predictions through the course of my pregnancy and I was right on every one of them. One was the weather, I predicted bad winter weather because he was a March baby, and we live in Canada.
First off, I was induced, and I knew I was going to be on the Monday, but we got things moving the Thursday before. We had an appointment with Fetal Medicine, and something told me, we weren't coming back home until he was born. So we packed everything in the car, and sure enough before noon that day, they had the gel on me, and I was having small, but contractions. Because of how well that went, the decided the second dose wasn't necessary, and let me go over night to see if I would just progress on my own. Through the night I had a roomate brought into my room, she had just had the shortest labour and delivery time I had ever heard of, but she was having a rough night...which unfortunately meant, we weren't sleeping. Let me stress how great she was to room with because she kind of became our cheering section when she heard we were laying there waiting for something to happen.
Friday morning they took me in to see what progress I made during the night, the answer, none. I was 1 cm dilated, and this had already brought me to over 24 hours in hospital, which as far as I'm concerned made me hit prediction #2, a long labour (because I was a long labour, payback time). I'd like to stress we weren't even half way at this point either. So here comes a gross part, they decided to try and use this catheter balloon type thing to get me to progress to 3cm. Let me stress the deal with this, they're supposed to leave it in for 12 hours, or until you can push it out, in that case you're 3cm. So I had a day of trying to walk around to get this going, contractions about 7 min apart, and the odd chance to dose a little. Now Friday morning at one point Cale went to grab coffee, and ran into our obstetrician, who informed him he was on in Labour and delivery that night, so when I was supposed to go back at 8:30 pm, it would be him I would deal with. Well 8:30 rolled around, then so did 9:30. My nurse informed me that they had two women in active labour so when they were done, I would be brought over. We decided to nap. So the good news with being later, I got the catheter out myself, which was a triumph for me, I actually made Cale get up to walk with me around the department, referring to it as my victory lap. The downside, we got to actually go back to labour and delievery at 4:00am...yup, that late.
My doctor was at the very end of his shift when he went in and broke my water. Saturday was actually the day that seemed the longest. Thursday and Friday weren't terribly painful, and we napped where we could, but Saturday, we were tired, and tired of being there, pain was getting worse, and once your water is broken, things get gross. I tried to nap as best I could but by the afternoon came and they discovered I had only progressed to 4 cm and a bit, I needed some drugs. The Anesthesiologist wasn't around, so an epidural was out. Instead I was given morphine. Sorry, my story isn't a funny one with the morphine...I still felt every contraction, it did little for the pain, but I would be asleep by the end of every contraction...so there was that. Need to take a step back too and recognize how amazing Cale was, especially just before the morphine. I was in enough pain, I was tensing up and forgetting to breath. Not that Cale said anything to make it better, but he took my hand, and when I looked at him, he was doing my breathing, so I followed his lead, that's pretty much how I got through that part.
They had through my day increased my drip, and actually passed the normal dosage, so around 4pm, when I was only 5cm, the final prediction I had made confirmed itself...C section. These ran in my family, like there have been a LOT of C sections, what's more, both my brother and I were. I was trying to avoid it, but at this point, I wanted him out, that was it. We needed to wait for them to get everything and everyone together, but once they did things started to move faster, and this is actually when I got nervous. Because I didn't have an epidural, it was going to be the spinal injections for me to do this part, which scared me the most because how many freakin horror stories are out there for these?! Let me start out by saying, my Anesthesiologist was amazing. He told me exactly how to sit, how to breath, and what to expect. So when he did my first injection I felt it, but it didn't hurt as much as I expected, and it went numb so fast, the rest felt like pressure, that was it. PS weirdest feeling of my life not being able to feel anything from the ribs down. I was also told if I feel any kind of uncomfortable to tell him, and he would handle it. I was nauseous a couple times, but he made it so it lasted like 30 seconds. They had me prepped and brought Cale in. I don't remember much from this part except he was right beside me, and I told them I was sleepy and going to take a nap. I was dosing when I heard Jacob cry for the very first time, that woke me RIGHT up. I was already in tears (and am still as I type this) when they laid him,crying on my chest. No sooner did I say hello to him, and the crying stopped. What was the highlight for me though was when they took him and he began to cry until Cale got him and said hello, this is when he stopped crying again. I had a long labour, but I'm not going to say I had a hard labour, what has come after has been much harder. Maybe being only a week later it's too early for me to say, but I'm not sure I agree with what they say, you forget the pain. I remember it all, but it's a shrug now, whatever. It was all 100% worth it, and I haven't forgotten, but it has blurred into the distance for sure.
So I guess that's it, how my son came into the world. I'm not even going to begin to say I'll have something resembling consistency with my blog posts now, I'm a little preoccupied to be blunt. I do hope to continue with them though, because I enjoy them. There won't be anymore pregnancy posts (well not for a long time anyway), and the Christmas ones are pretty far off at this point (but if you were a fan I do plan on bringing them back), I think we'll be seeing the Mama, and some lifestyle posts going forward.
K, Luv Ya Bye,
Nancy, Cale, Alice and for the Very first time, Jake
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