Friday, 22 September 2017

Thanksgiving/ Fall Decor

                I don’t know about you, but I think that here in Canada we’re lucky. In the US they decorate for Halloween, and then a quick transition to Thanksgiving, and a quick transition to Christmas. I prefer being able to blink once or twice before we change our décor, and just enjoy it.

                I space out the timeline nicely, so I can enjoy each of the events for a portion of time. This is why my Fall/ Thanksgiving décor is out. While I go crazy on Christmas decorations, I like to keep it subtle for Fall. A couple pumpkins, a pretty table cloth, a door hanging. Not a ton, but enough to be festive.

                When you decorate too, you can always add some DIY’s and of course the kids crafts. Check out my Pinterest Fall Board for some ideas. Now, I could go into greater detail about decorating down the road, but that’s getting ahead of myself, and it will have it’s own posts later.

                K, Luv Ya, Bye!

                Nancy, Cale and Alice 

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