Monday, 25 September 2017

Gift List

                Seem a little early to be looking at Christmas gifts? Let me paint a picture for you. Final Saturday before Christmas, stores and malls are packed, most of this gifts you wanted to buy are sold out, and you have to max your credit card to get all those things on the list. So personally final Saturday before Christmas (which is the day before Christmas Eve this year by the way) I’d rather sit at home and watch Christmas specials and drink hot chocolate. And the way I prepare, I typically get my way.

                This is why you make a list of people you’re buying for, and start brainstorming ideas. Then you watch for the sweet deals on the gifts. Also keep in mind if you plan on making any gifts, there will be a post about this, but now you can start getting ideas together.

                Most of us  know who we buy for every year, but there are a couple things we often overlook. Secret Santa, most work places have this. Also some of those gifts you keep on hand so you don’t feel stupid when people have something for you. If you’re anything like me, you can get a variety of things, like chocolates, wine, maybe a kit you put together to make Christmas a little easier for them. I generally don’t get confronted with these often, I’m generally well over prepared, but end up deciding I want to give gifts to people who I didn’t have on my list (or I want chocolate).

                Now is the time to start, and start tackling the list…I’m usually done by the second week of December, and let me tell you, it’s glorious! 

                K, Luv Ya, Bye!

                Nancy, Cale and Alice 

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