Wednesday, 27 September 2017

Planned Menu

               Today’s task, is actually one of my favorites. I love making lists, and these ones are coupled with tradition. It’s planning the menu. The master list can come in handy for this. I went back a circled everything that was food related, it made things easier to breakdown. I ended up with 3 categories.
                Things I need to have set in November. I don’t know this category will be for everyone, but for me, it’s important. Stuff really starts going for Christmas in our house in November, I have at least one potluck to get ready for, and the hot chocolate from scratch gets going, after sales, decorating, and parades. This is a short list, but it’s there.

                Next is what I need in early December. This is my baking stuff, and anything else that is important before Christmas, one of these things will be popping up in future posts.

                Finally the actual Christmas menu. One thing I will point out, December 23rd this year is the last Saturday before Christmas. For me this means, I will either avoid stores like the plague that day or be going exceptionally early. Meals around these days do tend to be traditional, which makes charting it out pretty easy. Keep in mind things that aren’t your typical meals, like Christmas day, if you have you’re big meal at dinner, you’re probably still going to need to eat earlier in the day. And boxing day is so often overlooked. As for me, I also work ALL day on the 27th, so we need to factor that in too. This list tends to be very personal, but do your best to figure out your menu. For me I always buy way more than I need, so I tend to simplify each year, but then too, I love having a tone of food options for everyone.

                 Let me stress, this is NOT the grocery list, this is the menu only. The grocery list will be in a future post, and I will share how to tackle it, and save you money along the way!

                K, Luv Ya, Bye!

                Nancy, Cale and Alice

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