Monday, 23 January 2017

Having to push a little harder

     I've been cutting back my caffeine, and I was eating, for the most part terribly all weekend. As a result I feel kind of like a slug right now sitting on my couch.

     I forced myself to cook, and to get dressed. I'm looking at my ottoman, with dishes from breakfast I said I would take out when I went...I've been in the kitchen about half a dozen times since.

     Considering I've mentioned in the past I'm trying to be a more positive person, the start of this post has really made it seem like I've gone back to the dark side. Actually, it's quite the opposite. I do feel like I have a lack of energy right now, but I'm cutting back on caffeine which is good. I also am aware of how badly I was treating my body over the weekend, and know I need to get back on track. I may have forced myself to cook, and get dressed, but I did it. Guess what I ate breakfast! That is actually HUGE for me, I have gotten REALLY bad for not eating breakfast.

     I'm sharing this with you because we are in the months of resting and having less energy, so I'm sure I'm not the only one who is having days like this. I'm having to push harder to make myself do stuff, but I'm pushing. Tonight maybe I'll go to bed at a decent time, and get up later tomorrow. This is actually normal for our bodies this time of year, because the nights are longer. So if you're feeling like a lump most days and don't want to move, just push yourself a little harder, and know this is completely normal

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