Tuesday 6 January 2015

Stuck inside

     So it's here, the incredibly cold wind chills. I pride myself on being a Canadian who can take the cold, but I think we can all agree, not going out in THAT. Not even my dog wants to be out in this... and many dog owners (or people owned by dogs, you know I'm right) know how ridiculously excited dogs get when you tell them, "we're going out". Alice FREAKS. She starts bounding around, seriously, bounding is the perfect word to describe it, and she smiles, and as you would know from an earlier post, that makes me melt.

     She was in and out today, then retreated to her bed. Then we got cute and tucked her in with her blanket and bear...not gonna lie, I'm a little jealous of my dog right now.

      As incredibly adorable as this pic is...I feel awful about not going for a walk with her. Guilt for me not getting my exercise? Meh, I've overlooked that on more than one occasion, KILLS me not to take her for a walk. I know she feels the cold too, and she really doesn't want to be outside either (an in and out potty break is kind of unheard of). It's just how much she likes her walks. She REALLY loves them and has improved SO much since we adopted her in October. I'm just worried she's not getting the exercise she needs. She doesn't help either, her typical people watching at the balcony door has become something of a guilt trip as the temps have plummeted. To be fair, my dog seems to be a little lazy.. if she's sitting in front of you, and she has to move to get to you, she'll pull her back legs. When she's on the couch with her back to me, and I call her over, she lays back waiting for me to catch her. 

     Well I knew this cold front was coming (because forecasts, they're kind of what I do), so I reached out to pup parents I have on FB, and they came through ( thanks again to all of them). This morning consisted of sniffing out hidden treats, training, fetch down the hall, and tug of war (that rope in her pic is great, I can play with her while I get housework done). 

     Has me longing for days where I can get her out though, still want to see the bounding and that great little smile. 


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